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Karson's grip on my wrist was god like as he spun me around the ice in an sharp angle. When he pulled me back toward him we proceeded with our step sequence. A combination of hops hops and edge changes performed while moving over the ice in a straight line or while following a curved or serpentine path.

I twirled until I bumped with Karson's chest. One hand glided under my leg while the other rested over my back. I was lifted up in the air as my legs spread into a split. "Oh," Karson groaned. My heart stopped when I no longer felt his grasp and I was falling forward. I dived straight for the ice, face first.

Left behind was a small puddle of blood, the pain was unbearable. "Catalina!" I heard the faint voice of Daishinkan. But I was not going to ruin our routine that was going perfectly. My face already touched the ice but my body was still in the air. While I was still upside down and my hand still in my partner's, I landed as if I did a front flip.

'A Million Dreams' kept playing.

"You're bleeding," Karson worriedly said fast.

"Keep going." I told him and we continued our routine like nothing happened. I'm sure the foul was detected but it happened so fast the music didn't stop.

I was tossed in the air spinning landing my hops with ease. Once we posed for our finish, I could now feel the blood dripping down my nose and chin. Not to mention the amount of metallic liquid down my throat.

Karson had droplets of my blood on his dace from the times he lifted me and it would fall on him. His hand formed a bowl under my chin to catch the small drops that would still drip. The audience were all cheering anyway as we skated off the ice right the medic team.

Selena rushed over with Daishinkan beside her.

Once we were on the back, the medical team checked my mouth first. My teeth were all in tact but they had cut the inside of the lip. My nosebleed was the result of going head first but who knew? It was a light trauma.

I spat red water into a bowl after swishing it. The medic applied some sort of gel on my cut and a special tape-band aid. "Bite down." I bit down.

"Any pain?"

"Just sore, I can handle it. Thank you." I told the medic and he nodded. It really hurts, but I want nothing to do with medicine. Especially with the Doping Agency going all over the place. They take too long to approve that I need it in this situation.

Once it was just us back in the medical room, Karson cupped my face carefully. His eyes were puffy and his face was rather red too after cleaning my blood off.

"Lina, it was my fault I messed up the grip. I'm so sorry."

"Its fine Karson, look at me I'm fine. We've had worst injuries. It's okay."

I smiled as little as I could. Selena crossed her arms in disbelief. "Why would you continue like that?"

"Cause I felt fine. You know I won't let anything stop me from completing a routine."

"But you were hurt—"

"And I still skated like a pro. You saw it, the accident was barely seen. If there wasn't any blood on the ice nobody would have known."

Selena shook her head at me then looked at Daishinkan who stood there puzzled. She gestured to me in annoyed tone, "you see what you have to deal with."

His fingers found his neatly slicked back hair with only a few bangs falling on his face. The sparkly outfit gave me life. "She's definitely tougher than I thought." He replied to Selena's comment. "I think I heard you say my name, Shinkan. Was it you?"

"I speak no English." He said making a horrible Korean accent.

Selena laughed, jabbing her elbow in his ribs. "This man was sitting down, and as soon as you hit the ice, he jumped up. My heart couldn't handle it." She teased Daishinkan and clutched her heart dramatically.

And to this, he rubbed the back of his neck sighing. "I told you the last thing I wanted to see is you getting hurt."

My eyes lock on Karson behind Daishinkan making out with own hand while winking. Selena was right beside him chuckling. "She's all yours, Daishinkan. I gotta take this lunatic to Joseph." She pinches Karson on the cheeks like a child. To which he stares in belief.

This was our last Pairs Free skate until the 19th. I forgot Biathlon starts tomorrow, which means he stays in another village.

Then he comes over to give me a hug, "come to the hills when you have a chance."

"I will. Good luck, blondie."

I could feel him smile against my cheek. And before he pulled away he whispers, "put those condoms to good use." I yank his hair down telling him to shut up. We hugged again and finally He and Selena left.

Daishinkan is now the only person here other than myself. He had already skated with Hana before me. So that's a win.

He helped me get off the table, and checked my face. "can you can do the free skate?"

It all came back in an instance. The women's free skate is in two hours. "I can most definitely do it."

"And what about the Quadruple axel?"

"I can attempt to do it."

Daishinkan now whipped his grin off his face. "I think it's better if we take it out. Last night's rehearsals you were close, but not a solid four turns." He suggested lightly, "no, no I can do it." I argued back.

"If you don't land it, I will take it out, and We'll re-do the entire second half of your free skate."

In disbelief, my jaw dropped. His naturally arched brow arched even more at my reaction. "Catalina I'm trying to help you." 

"You said you'd help me do a quadruple axel, that you'd teach me. Now it all went out the window."

"It won't if you do it."

There we go again. Being a gigantic smart ass.

I spent the next hour changing to another skirt, fixing my hair to a different hairstyle and refreshing my makeup. 

As I checked out the monitors for the skaters currently on the ice, Daishinkan came in through the door. He had his phone stretched out to me.   "It's coach Selena." He says so I take the phone to my ear.  "Put me on speaker." She said.

After I did, Daishinkan crouched in front of me. 

"NBC has asked me if it was alright if they interviewed the both of you tomorrow."

We stared at each other.  "And what did you say?"

"I told them I'd ask. I know you're free for the next two days, Catalina. Though Shinkan You have the Men's short and long program those days."

"Yeah, I won't be able to do it." He answered Selena while scratching his head.  "Can I though?" I practically had my hands together in a plea.  "Sure, you can. But don't say anything you're not sure of. They ask you all kinds of questions." He told me so I said to Selena I'd accept to do the interview tomorrow.

I got on the ice a few minutes later. Followed every instruction previously told by Daishinkan when we rehearsed. I landed a triple axel perfectly, quickly glancing at him. He seemed pleased.

My legs was up in the air as I glided on the ice, then began the step sequence.

Do it!

I'll take it off the list if you DONT. LAND. IT

I went for quadruple axel. I counted myself.


I touched down, immediately hydroplaning around the ice and did my final spin. I missed it. Again. 

"Gorgeous." I overheard from the crowd.

I met with Daishinkan, who sarcastically clapped slowly. I planned to walk right past him until,  "Lina." He says. 

"I don't know how you can make mistakes look graceful."

"I'm that good."

"No more Quadruple."

Okay, ShinkanWhere stories live. Discover now