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My mom arrived to the hotel room fully cheering before I could get up. She kissed my face non stop. "I'm so proud of you, Catalina. You'll be so great." She beamed slamming another kiss square on the forehead.

She moved to the next bed where Karson was still slumped. She ended up taking the covers off him and squirmed. "Jane please," he croaked. "Jane nothing, get up." My mom is strong. She hoisted Karson to his feet to hug his sleepy sluggish body. Though he smiled and hugged her back.

Karson is like a son to my mom, and like a brother to me.

The trials have concluded as of today, which means there are exactly 33 days til the Games begin. We are free to do whatever we want until we board for China. Karson decided to go home to Oregon for a couple weeks. That leaves me to practice my short program. I don't want to waste any time, I'm going for the win.

"We're going to Panama correct?"

My mother shakes her head softly getting my suitcases that only have my Olympic uniforms and leotards, and other winter equipment. My backpack holds my skates and causal clothing plus feminine products. I literally look like I'm going to hike the Appalachian trails.

We got off at the airport terminal and passed on to the VIP check in. I noticed my mother didn't have any luggage. "Where's your stuff?" I asked. She smiled, "I'm not going where you're going."

"Where am I going?"

"Catalina," I turned to face my coach who had just came through the corner. She held a bunch of things out to me.  "This is your Identification card as an athlete, DO NOT lose it. Keep it on you at all times. You have your passport?"

I nodded so she smiled wide and handed the plane tickets. My jaw dropped at the first class seating.  "Seoul, South Korea." I looked up confused at Selena and my mother.  "For women's singles program I will not coach you, though for Pairs I will."

"Who's coaching me for singles?"

"Daishinkan Seong himself."

My hand flew to my chest, audibly breathing harder than I was a second ago. I tried to get the words out but I couldn't. Selena caught my hands trying to cling to her and cupped them.  "Breathe Lina, focus. I sent him the video of you doing his routine and asked if he could coach you he accepted. Please don't be mad." I still couldn't talk.

"But isn't he participating too?" Was all I managed to ask. Still my heart pounding against my chest.  "He is, we checked the event schedules. It'll work. Now wipe those tears cause he's waiting to meet you." She says enthusiastically.

I quickly wipe my face, pulling up the camera to check my face. It looks presentable. My mother put her hand on my shoulder,  "this is as far as I'm allowed to go. Say hi for me. Have a safe trip, have fun. And goodluck." I give her a minute long hug prior going through security. 

Selena was also staying for Karson so it was only me now. She said Daishinkan was waiting at the VIP  waiting lounge. I showed my ticket and identification to the valet who then let me in.

I'm so excited I could jump, but the fear I encounter at the moment is eating me alive. Stop he doesn't bite. I tangled my fingers behind the straps of my backpack so I appeared more confident. My eyes wandered around the near empty lounge. Then BAM right by the floor to ceiling glass wall that overlooks the runway, sat him.

I took a therapeutic breath just to gather the courage to walk to the booth. Ten seconds had passed and I've already been standing nearly in front of him. He had air-pods on and is very focused playing Stardew Valley. I waved my hand finally breaking his gaze.

His naturally arched eyebrows were the first thing I noticed. Other than the luscious hair hanging by his left eye. God he's even more beautiful up close. An anime character come to life.  And he's not even Japanese. Daishinkan took off his earbuds then stood up. We're about the same height, though he towers over me by a little. 

"You're Catalina Benitez?"

"Yes, I'm Catalina. My gosh, it's an honor to meet you." I reacted like a fangirl, lunging myself in his arms. He seemed tense for a moment but eventually hugged back. When I pulled away he shook my hand.

Where are my manners? I pressed my cheek to his cheek and made a kiss sound. This stunned him to his core. "Uhh, that's how we greet back in my country. I—I am so sorry." The embarrassment ate me alive. Daishinkan rubbed his cheek, blushing a little but continued to shake my hand then motioned me to sit.

"That's quite a greeting. I have a feeling you don't need me to introduce myself." Daishinkan said, eyes falling down to my phone that had lit up with a message.

My lock screen wallpaper is him. 

I turned my phone upside down lighting fast like it wasn't too late. I flushed but remained neutral looking.  "So, do you know why I'm here?" God his Korean accent is so thick and cute. In my mind I look like that I'm wearing that heart crown snapchat filter.  "My coach sent you my video."

"Exactly, you attempted to do quadruple axel. Which not only is a very difficult move, but extremely dangerous."

I winced slightly, is he scolding me? "But I must admit you nearly had it, which I'm very jealous about. I took a long time to do it and might not be able to again."

"So, you'll teach me?" I asked subconsciously leaning forward. Daishinkan buried his back against the booth, sighing.  "I won't teach you anything unless you are absolutely determined to win." I stared dead in the eyes, so he kept talking.  "I compete in Men's singles, and Pairs. Plus coaching you, and already South Korea knows this so I don't want to regret training a newbie."

"I can assure you I'm just as good as yourself. I will make it to the podium," I told him, closing my fists under the table.

He chuckled, "You won't just get on the podium, you're going for the gold."

My heart pressure declined. I feel like I have to go to the bathroom. "Or," he continued and my breath clogged in my throat.

"I will not be your coach at all. And if I see no progress I'll resign before you even touch the rink."

Since when is the decorated Daishinkan Seong sound like a new world prick. I looked at his hand stretched out for me to shake, I sighed and shook his stupid soft hand. "I wont let you down."

Our first class seats were basically recliners with private doors and everything. And yet I could see Daishinkan in the seat in front of me only separated by a wall that had a sliding window. The entire flight it was mostly me listening to him explaining how the Olympics work. The rules he highlighted on the papers Selena had given me earlier.

"You got drug tested at the trials, that will continue to happen randomly. Don't take any enhancing performance drugs or you will be disqualified." He says and moves on to the next page. "Can I drink though?"

He looks up at me, "only when you're in your room. Don't get caught drunk or drink before an event—though you wouldn't be that much an airhead right?"

"No, are you?" I responded sharply.

Daishinkan shot me a judging look, "I do not drink much."

A while later I ended up falling asleep about two hours into the flight. It mostly consisted of Daishinkan being a smartass and me being a bigger smartass. Two peas in a pod. Apparently his coach is very unhappy with him being a coach for me because I'm a newbie. Ive made it my goal to win the gold and slam my hero after I land that quadruple axel in his face.

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