Part 7

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"You must've got it wrong. Maybe she just looks like her."

Maybe, it's just that.

"So you never mentioned me that the person you had a talk with looks like my fiancé." I said to Jihyo and she just rolled her eyes at me as if I was the reason why she got caught in an accident the other day.

"Oh, what a surprising event this is. I never expected to see you here Miss Jihyo—" Ms. Jeon smiled and it quickly faded for a moment after looking at me.

"Yeah, this is Mr. Yoon." Jihyo introduced me and the couple smiled at me and laid their palms.

"This is the boyfriend you were talking about last time?" Ms. Jeon asked and I looked at Jihyo with a surprised look and she just gestured me to "stick-with-it".

"O-Oh... Yeah. He's my b-boyfriend.." Jihyo said and Ms. Jeon looked at me and smiled, it somewhat wildly reminded me of Hana, the way she smiled looks exactly just like her.

"It's a privilege to meet the successor of the Yoon Industry, I'm Jeon Wonwoo. The President of the Jeon Real Estate." Mr. Jeon interfered and I smiled at him.

"By the way, this is my beautiful partner in business. She's pretty good at being friends with everyone and I have heard Miss Jihyo had a fun talk with her a few days ago?" Mr. Jeon said and Ms. Jeon smiled and Jihyo just glared at me.

"That's right, I had a fun time with her that day. I also asked her one time if we could have our partners meet with us too. I just never thought It'd be this soon." Ms. Jeon said and looked away from me.

Why tho...


The party continued and amidst of it, I often had my eyes on that Jeon woman. I had a call from Mingyu that Jihoon is finally sleeping and he's received a few paperworks from my client and that he has to work on it so I worried less.

"Ah, finally. The party is over." Jihyo stood up and was about to leave when she got caught by his brother.

"So, noona is just leaving without greeting his brother?" Jihyo's brother, who is the announced successor of his Father's company asked. Jihyo sighed and showed the lost of interest but I had her between my orders, as someone in charge of her.

"I'll be waiting in the car." I said and left so they can talk.

"Yes, I'll be leaving now so I can send an allowance to him." Just before I could even enter the car, I heard a familiar voice echoed through the silence of the Parking Lot. It was a voice that sounded very familiar, and it was only awhile ago when I last heard it.

"Yeah, the party just ended and Wonwoo is still chatting with the President." It's Ms. Jeon and she's talking to someone through call.

I stayed hidden and silent and tried to eavesdrop, just in case I might raise a suspicion to this woman.

"Yes, it was a party of the blue-blooded people. No kidding! I felt so miserable to be there, a lot of people have mistook me as Mr. Jeon's ex-fiancé."

Ex fiance? Isn't she his girlfriend?

"No, I'm not. Mr. Jeon has helped me so much to be back here. I owe him so much but that doesn't mean I have to pay him by marrying him or so! I have a life back then, I-I used to be with someone —"

U-Used to be with someone...?

Could it be that—

"Yeah, I have to hang up now and check on it. Yeah, see you there."

"You're alive...?" I couldn't help but get out of where I am hiding, she was startled to see me that she quickly latched her phone closer to her.

"W-what are you doing there?" She stattered and stepped back after I started to step closer to her.

"No but... You're alive?" I asked and she chuckled after pulling herself back up.

"Of course, I am! I am not a ghost, Mr. Yoon."

"Hana?" I called and the color from her face faded and the smile disappeared, she seemed confused but pulled it off with a shrug.

"I-I don't know who you're calling. I'm Han Byeol." She calmly smiled and though I don't believe it, I tried to gain her trust and surrendered.

"I-I guess I'm mistaken." I said and looked down which made her step closer and look at me with worry.

"Have you lost someone?"

"My fiance." I replied and tried to read her reactions carefully but I never saw anything else, except for sadness and pity.

"I'm very sorry to hear. Would you like to talk about it? Let's have a nice wine in my office." She said and quickly rode to her car.


"M-Master Yoon, we're about to leave—" My security interfered and I gave him the keys.

"Go on without me, and make sure Jihyo never gets close to my son. I'll contact you soon." I said and politely entered Han Byeol's car.

"Next stop, to the morgue."



"Ma'am, the body just arrived before you." Han Byeol's assistant said and handed her a file.

"Alright, you can start now and I'll be there later. We have a guest, as you can see." Han Byeol said and introduced me to the two workers.

"Chairman Yoon? O-Oh! Good evening!" They were surprised to recognize me and I bowed back to them politely.

"Why do you work on a morgue?" I asked after we left the lobby.

"Oh, it's just a sideline. Wonwoo's brother is a diener and he's on a vacation with his girlfriend in Los Angeles so I took over while he's away." She replied and opened a door and led us to a balcony where the city below is seen, the beautiful ambiance of Seoul at night, pure perfection.

"Have a seat, I'll get the wine for you."

"But don't you think Mr. Jeon will be mad to see us together?" I asked before she could even leave and she turned her heels towards me and leaned on the doorframe.

"I thought you heard my conversation with my assistants?" She asked that made me chuckle.

"I-I read you wrong, you're not my fiance." I replied and she smiled, pointing her finger at me as she slowly left the balcony.

"Hold that thought, I'll just go get us something to drink." She said and left.

You're definitely my fiance.


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