Chapter 11 - A Small Confession

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Thomas has had his leg stitched up and cleaned from any infections and he was ready to go home for the night. He was also given crutches to help him stay balanced. His butler was already outside for him.

"You ready to go, Thomas?" (Y/N) asked as he gave a small nod. Guilmon and Gaomon were waiting near the car together. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Uhm... You could come with me if you wanted?" Thomas offered and she obviously accepted his offer.

"Of course." She smiled and they all got into the vehicle together and went back to his mansion. They would've took Marcus and Yoshino home, but Marcus left hours ago and Yoshino was still clocked in.


Guilmon was laying his head on Gaomon's lap, fast asleep while on the drive to the mansion. Gaomon felt flustered, but he didn't mind as he kind of liked Guilmon.

(Y/N) on the other hand, was sitting on the other side of the vehicle, looking out of the window, up at the stars.

"I miss you, Dad..." She whispered and Thomas looked at her confused, hearing what she said. He also noticed a tear rolling down her cheek. "I hope that one day I can come to the Digital World just to search for you... But I am too weak... I am so sorry for not becoming as strong as you and Spencer."

"(Y/N)?" Thomas got a little closer as she looked at him to see worry in his blue eyes. He looked so much younger than fourteen. His height makes him look his age, but his face makes him look like a young boy. "You miss your father?"

"Y-Yeah..." (Y/N) looked at him. "Since him, Spencer and others went to the Digital World, I've never seen him since. Him and Spencer went missing ten years ago together."

"I am so sorry, but if we go to the Digital World for a search, I promise to help you find him." Thomas held her one hand in both of his, showing how much he meant every word. This soon turned into a comforting hug. "I promise you." He whispered and kissed her hair.

"Uhm, Sir..." Gaomon quietly interrupted as he looked over. "I don't want to ruin your moment, but we have arrived."

"Thank you, Gaomon." Thomas smiled.

"Guilmon. Wake up." Gaomon shook him."

"Nooo..." Guilmon groaned and gripped onto Gaomon's leg gently. "Let me stay..."

"You can sleep after dinner."

"Dinner!?" His head shot up. "Can I have some Bread that shaped like me too!?"

"I suppose I could ask for that to be made by the Chef." Thomas chuckled as the Butler opened the door for them all to exit. "Thank you." Thomas smiled.

"Thank you, Sir." (Y/N) smiled as well and followed behind as the Digimon repeated their acts.


At the dinner table, the dinner was served, and Guilmon was drooling with how much food they were given.(Y/N) forgot how much food was given when guests came over.

"Uhm... Thomas?" She looked at him as he looked at her with a small smile. "I'm not Agumon and Marcus who eat everything the size of the table."

"Oh right, my butler requests the chefs to make a good amount of food when a guest arrives." Thomas explained. "You don't have to force it down you, they know what to do with it all if any is left over."

"I see." She then looks at the Butler. "Thank you, sir. You're too kind."

"You're welcome, ma'am." He bowed his head. "Is there anything else you would like?"

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