Chapter 2 - Kokatorimon

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Yoshino and (Y/N) returned to DATS.

"(Y/N), what do you know of this Marcus Damon? Tell us everything you know." Sampson looked at her, being very serious.

"Ok, Commander. Marcus Damon is a 14 year old boy, Son of Sarah Damon, older Brother of Kristy Damon who is 10 years old. He was born April 2nd, Blood Type B, and is pretty much a jerk sometimes to Kristy. He has been a friend of mine since we were both 3. Our parents knew each other really well, well... before Marcus' Father went missing and mine..." (Y/N) sighed. "Went missing as well..."

"I see. You didn't have to mention the Father part, but thank you." Sampson nodded. "We'll further investigate this boy. In the meantime, I want Yoshino to go and find him, and (Y/N)... I need you to stay. It's what's best for you and the boy right now."

"Yes, sir."

"Wait, Sampson? Doesn't she need to get home?" Kudamon asked.

"Aah, yes." Sampson nodded. "You can go home now, if you'd like. Yoshino, could you give her a ride home?"

"Yes, sir." Yoshi smiled as they left the room and building.


"Thank you for the ride, Yoshi." (Y/N) smiled as the exited the car. "Be careful with Marcus, ok?"

"I will, (Y/N). See you tomorrow." Yoshi smiled as she drove off.

(Y/N) walked inside with Guilmon as her Mother smiled at them both.

"Welcome home. How was DATS?"

"Good, thank you, Mom." (Y/N) smiled. "Is Simon in bed?"

"Yes, he is." She smiled. "Come on, I got your food waiting."

"Yay!" Guilmon cheered. The Red Reptile Digimon ran into the dining room, near the kitchen as Katie, (Y/N)'s Mother brought out some scrambled eggs, steak, chicken wings and some cooked veggies. Guilmon loves chicken wings.

Guilmon used his claws and hand to eat the food, however, if he was eating at someone elses home, he would have his manners. Same with (Y/N), but she used a knife and fork mainly.


Later that night, Marcus hidden Agumon at the top floor of some kind of Power Station. It was very tall and the sign did say closed.

"I gotta hand it to you, Boss, that was a great escape." Agumon smiled.

"Thanks, Agumon, but there's one thing that worries me. Who're we running away from!? What kind of thing are you anyway? Where did you come from?" Marcus asked, having another look at the Yellow Reptile.

"Gee... I don't know. I guess I come from the institution." Agumon really doesn't remember where he first came from. He only remembers being in the Human World.


"Please don't let them take me back there, Boss."

"Hmm..." Marcus thought for a moment. "What am I getting myself into this time? I don't know what kind of trouble you're in, but I'll help you out." Marcus now stood up. 'Why didn't (Y/N) tell me about these creatures? How did she hide this secret from me?'

"Oh, thank you, Boss! I'll never ask for another thing again." The Digimon went to walk to the human, but his stomach growled and he out his hands over it. "Except food, and I'm staaarrrved." Agumon's eyes went all dizzy looking.

"Well, suck it up and act like a real man."

"But Boss... I'm a growing boy!" Agumon yelled and groaned loudly.

Digimon Data Squad: Thomas X (F)Reader OC - DATS PartnersWhere stories live. Discover now