Chapter 5 - Thomas' Return

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It was 3 days since Marcus had joined DATS. He fought most fights with Digimon who had entered the Human World. Therefore, (Y/N) took this time to study her work for an upcoming test that would be happening tomorrow. She knew Marcus wouldn't be at school, so now she had a replacement. The Commander was fine with this, but would maybe struggle if they both needed to be there on the same day. They would work their way around.


It was before noon as Marcus and Agumon were arguing over breakfast which doesn't seem surprising. Sarah had given Agumon a bowl of rice first as Marcus wasn't pleased, but sighed as he went for the last fried egg, but Agumon also went for it.

"Hey! Let go of it!"

"Boss, the only way to get this last fried egg is to take out of my belly!" Agumon giggled and ate the fried egg in one bite.

"Spit it out! Spit it out right now!" Marcus was now fighting with Agumon to make him spit it out, and Kristy just looked at them. Boys.

"What a doof..." She mummbled to herself and continued to eat her bowl. Sarah just chuckled to herself from the kitchen.


"What're you doing, Agumon?" Kristy opened the front door to see Agumon was trying to fit in a very small basket comnected to a Push-Bike.

"Just trying to stuff myself into the front basket of this bicycle."

"You might be a tad too big for that."

'The Boss said that I couldn't follow him, but he didn't say anything about him following me.' And with that the bike fell down and Agumon flipped onto his stomach.

"Doof two..." Kristy mummbled and sighed.

"I guess..." Agumon held his nose with a little tear in his eye.


(Y/N) was writing a draft down for an essay and sighed in defeat.

"Mom!? How can I describe a building!?" (Y/N) yelled downstairs and Guilmon played Football with Simon in the back garden.

"Think of the area around it and explain what it makes you feel like!"

"Thank you!" (Y/N) looked at the little image of a building and hummed, biting the end of her pen in the process. That was when he earpiece beeped. It was from DATS.

There was a Digimon, but it was closest to Marcus, so she didn't bother since she lived quite far from Marcus' location.


Three men was outside a shop, sitting in the sun, drinking their cans of soda and were talking about how boring everything was and there was nothing fun to do anymore.

"I agree!" They heard a different voice.

"Hey, good. How did you throw your voice while drinking soda?" One man asked his buddy.

"Huh? What're you talking about?"

That was when they saw a carboard sign on fire near the road and they gasped a little hit.

"Fire." They all spoke at the same time and saw some flying little fireball fly away, setting some more stuff on fire.

"There he is! Fighting Time Again!" Marcus yelled and him and Agumon ran down the street.

"Oh yeah!?" The DemiMeramon asked and spat a fireball at Marcus's feet.

"Okay! My turn!" Agumon stopped and yelled. "Pepper Breath!" The attack made a direct hit, but didn't do anything to him. "Hey! My attack didn't do anything! Boss, use that fist trick! The one you did last time when I Digivolved."

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