Chapter 4 - The Bug Infestation

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It was the next morning at Marcus' house, as Marcus was all dressed for school. (Y/N) isn't in school because she has talked to the school about doing special assignments outside school so she'll be unable to attend certain days of the week. If Marcus joined DATS, it would be the same, unless it was something very important like a test.

"Where're you going, Boss?" Agumon asked as he watched Marcus put on his school shoes on.

"And... what is school again?"

"A place where there are tones of people that fight." Marcus stood up, adjusting his back pack.

"Ooo! Ha, sounds like my kind of place!" Agunon smiled happily and posed. "Let's go!"

"Yeah! That'll be great."

"Have you forgotten?" Yoshino spoke from behind as they looked at her, confused. "If people see a Digimon walking around, it'll cause a huge panic."

"Oh, that's right." Marcus sighed.

"Aww, but I wanna go to school with Boss! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna! I wanna!" Agumon begged and whined like a little baby.

(Y/N) looked at Guilmon and petted behind his ear gently as he nuzzled against her shoulder, closing his eyes. He is always clingey and loves some attention. Seeing Agumon like this actually make him seem more mature. After all, Guilmon is basically a big kid. He loves to play and have fun.

"Fine, just be quiet!" Yoshi raised her voice and handed Marcus his Digivice. "Here. Use this." Marcus took it off her and looked at it.

"No way! I thought I lost this thing."

"You dropped it during your escape from DATS."

"Oh, well, thank you." Marcus sweated and chuckled about the incident that had happened yesterday morning. "So, how do I use it anyway?"

"You just point it towards Raptor-1 and press the button on the right."

"Like this?" Marcus did as instructed as Agumon's Data entered the Digivice and he appaeared on the Digivice's screen.

"Boss! Let me out of here!"


"Digivices can change Digimon into data and store them. And safety rule number 1 says, keep your Digimon stored."

"Marcus! You're gonna be late!" Sarah yelled from the other room.

"Aw man! See you guys!" Marcus then started to run to school. He had Yoshino and (Y/N) in a car that followed right next to him.

"If you're gonna follow me, you could at least give me a lift in your car." Marcus panted as he ran.

"No, and I'll keep following until you give us Raptor-1."

"There must be something else I can do..."

"Well... You could always join the Digimon Data Squad." Marcus gasped in shock at this. "Look, it's simple. If you join DATS, then there's no reason for us to chase after Raptor-1, and the best part of all is that we don't need to babysit you guys anymore. So, what do you say?"

"You can also keep Agumon, Marcus." Marcus sighed.

"I don't know. I want to lose her not join her." Marcus then started to run again and looked at (Y/N) as Yoshi had her head forward on the road. "I'll think about it." He whispered.

"Thank you." She whispered back.

Marcus then stopped at some police cars at a school. It was Marcus' sister's school. There was a problem with the animals. They were all gone. The inside of their pens were also destroyed slightly, but not majorly. There was a small boy crying because of the animals being gone when it was his turn to feed them. Nobody knows what had happened. It turned out that the same thing happened in the next town.

Digimon Data Squad: Thomas X (F)Reader OC - DATS PartnersWhere stories live. Discover now