Chapter 13 - The Ultimate Team Returns!

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Marcus and (Y/N) were walking down the street as he saw the old dude that gave him the Digivice. He seems to appear in the moments he needs it most. Marcus doesn't want to admit it, but with the old man's advice, he always gets through his hardest tasks.

"(Y/N)!" Guilmon spoke through the Digivice.

"Yes, Guilmon?" She held her Digivice as Marcus looked.

"There is a Digimon nearby!"

"Thanks, Guilmon." She held her Digivice in her pocket as he and Marcus were anxiously looking around the streets to find it. "Look high and low, Marcus." Suddenly, there was a car crash with a large lorry and a car as an explosion occured. They gasped in shock. "We need to find this Digimon before more people get hurt!"

"Yeah, let's go!"


"Where's Marcus?" Sampson asked.

"I can't get a hold of him or (Y/N). I don't have any signal on her Digivice yet." Megumi replied, full of worry. Sampson sent out Yoshino and Thomas.


"(Y/N)! There it is!" Marcus yelled as they followed the small red, white and blue Digimon as it hopped over traffic lights, taking away the electricity. "Come back here!"

When they followed a massive lorry turned the corner and was about to hit a little girl, but Marcus jumped in the way grabbed the girl as (Y/N) pushed them out of the way.

Marcus opened his eyes to see the girl in shock as people looked at the scene. Marcus told a woman to look after the girl which she did and he looked around the lorry and gasped.

"(Y/N)!" He ran to her and held her close. "(Y/N)! Wake up!" He started to cry as he saw her cracked Digivice. "Guilmon!"

"I'm here! Is (Y/N) okay!?"

"No!" He grabbed the Digivice and pressed a button which sent signal to DATS. "Hello!?"

"Marcus!? Where are you!?" He heard Sampson and Miki ask.

"(Y/N)'s been hit by a lorry or truck! I don't know!" He yelled and looked at Elecmon who was smiling down at them. "I'll get you for this!" He yelled and stood up and looked at (Y/N). "(Y/N)... This is for you." He then started to chase after Elecmon, putting her Digivice under her limp hand.


Marcus continued to run until he lost sight of him at the Broadcast Tower.

"I lost him!" He looked up at the tower and wiped his stained eyes.

"Marcus! Where have you been!? Why haven't you contacted us!?" Yoshino asked and looked around. "And where's (Y/N)?" Marcus looked at them as they looked at him, wondering what had happened.

"She was hit by a lorry..." He mummbled as they gasped. Thomas took this the worst. He fell to his knees and gripped the door of the car, crying silently. "She's still alive. I told headquaters."

"Okay... That's good." Yoshi tried to keep herself from crying as she made Lalamon appear and Thomas did the same with Gaomon, but he could barely stand up. "Stay out of this, Marcus. You can't defeat him by yourself."

"I can do this without Agumon. Just watch. I'm doing this for (Y/N). It was because of that thing that she is hurt!" Marcus growled as Yoshi looked at Thomas to see that he had completely broken down. She walked to him and helped him stand.

Suddenly, a bolt of light appeared from above as Elecmon jumped down and started to digivolve with a sinister laugh.

"Oh no! It's Digivolving!" It digivolve into BlackGarurumon or Garurumon(Black). It roared as it stood tall. "It was the electricity! That's where he gets there powers!"

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