Chapter 9 - In The End (Part 2)

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Angel sat up from his bed and looked at his window, seeing a pebble hitting on the glass. Knowing if he ignored it this would continue all night. So, he decided to get off his bed and walked to the window, opening it and seeing Jessie behind her bedroom's window ready to throw a rock into his window, but she noticed Angel behind his window so she slowly hid the rock back inside her bedroom.

Jessie smiled at Angel, "Oh hey, you're still up."

Angel just glared at Jessie with a tired frown.

Jessie put her hands on the window's stool and started lightly tapping on it since there was a discomforting silence, she looked back at Angel, "I heard shouting."

Angel rested his arms on the stool, slightly nodding his head, "I suppose doing something good is considered bad now."

"They got mad at you because you protected that girl?" Jessie asked Angel if this was the reason for all the shouting.

Angel nodded again, "Yeah."

"I didn't really listen in to the shoutings, had my own fair share of shoutings at the same time." Jessie admitted.

"From your mom?" Angel supposed.

Jessie nodded, "Yep."

"What did she say?" Angel asked Jessie, wondering why her mother would be angry at her, since Jessie didn't take part in the fight.

Jessie put her hand in the back of her head, fiddling in with her long black hair as she scratched the back of her head, wondering if she should reveal it to Angel, after thinking for a bit, she decided to tell him, after all he did tell her some massive secrets tons of times, "She asked me if you ever hit me."

Angel didn't expect that, it's true that he and Jessie's mother never had a profound relationship considering they just knew of each other's existence from him being Jessie's friend, but still, he wouldn't expect this lack of trust, "Jeez, talk about trust."

"You know how she is, over-protective. Just don't see any ill-feelings in it, she really likes you, it's just, well, logically she likes me even more." Jessie explained, wanting to make sure Angel doesn't take what her mother told about him too badly.

Angel understood her point, "Sure. It's just...I would never hurt you."

"Normally I would say you couldn't even beat me, but considering you just kicked Flash's ass I can't make that joke anymore." Jessie said, trying to lighten the mood.

"As of right now I don't really hate my powers as much." Angel admitted.

Hearing about Angel's abilities, Jessie remembered what she wanted to talk with Angel, "Speaking of those powers, that fight of yours gave me an idea. One that will make us lots of money."

"I'm listening." Angel was curious about Jessie's idea to get lots of money.

Jessie started going around her bedroom, seemingly looking for something that she wanted to show Angel, after finding it she went back to the window and showed it to Angel, "You see this?" She showed to Angel a ripped page of a newspaper, it was an advertisement for amateur wrestlers to participate in a match in NYWF.

Angel raised a brow on Jessie's offer, "You want me to be a wrestler?"

Jessie quickly nodded, "Yeah!"

"You do know that's fake, right?" Angel asked Jessie.

Jessie tapped the side of her head with her hand, physically telling him his question was stupid to ask, "Well yeah of course. But I mean, look, it's NYWF, New York Wrestling Federation, they're known for their no-scripted matches."

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