Chapter 4 - Changed

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Inside the city's conference center, Safe Weaponry was hosting an event where the owner of the company, Mario Price, would reveal a weapon that would help people protect themselves without resorting to violence.

The room was full of people that came for this event, while some were interested in this project, others just came because Marmalade did show some support for this company.

Mario Price was at the center of the stage, the public was attentive at his speech, "Have you ever thought about finding ways to protect yourself? Of course you have, it's in our nature to do so, it can be just ourselves, our families or our friends, we all want to protect them from danger. But let's say that danger is someone trying to hurt us, some of us might not want to hurt them back, right?"

Mario looked to the left side as a man came from that side of the stage, dressed up like a 90's gang leader with a full leather attire. He spoke with a monotone voice, "Greetings, I'm a level 1 criminal, I've come to take your material belongings including your monetary funds, if you don't comply with my commands I'll have to physically hurt in an illegal manner."

Mario looked back at the public, "Well, I've got the solution for you." He paused dramatically, as he put his hand onto his pocket looking for the thing he wanted to show to the public, "I present you...the egg-bomb!" He showed off the egg-bomb, which looked like an average egg, but the public still gasped, Mario continued, "The first ever, no-pain bomb. Let's have a look at it."

Mario then threw the egg-bomb at the low-level criminal, the egg broke in half in contact with the man's face, he saw something was inside that egg and he caught it, he showed it off to the public and they saw a little duck in his hands, the duck quacked and the public awwed from the quack.

The man acted like he was shocked, but he still kept his monotone voice, "Oh my goodness gracious me. This adorable, cute and small little duckling, makes me feel things. Makes me remember the good old times where I too was an adorable, cute and small little youngin. Makes me see life in a new perspective, I don't wanna be a criminal anymore, as of right now I am a low class citizen."

Mario clapped his hands together, to get the public's attention back to him, "You see that, I didn't just save myself, I also saved the aggressor, because some make weapons to protect themselves, but here, at Safe Weaponry, we make weapons to save lives. Thank you." He waved at the public as they all cheered for him.

Mario and the man walked off the stage and into the backstage, then they went their separate ways as Mario put an earphone to his ear, and started to talk to someone in it.

"It went well. I literally pocketed the whole public, so those weapons and security contracts are definitively ours, and if they aren't, I'm sure you can pass a few good words about us to the Governor." Mario stopped in front of the door that had the sign 'hosts only', "Anyway, I've still got lots of work to do, so I will let you be." He turned off the earphone, opened the door and went inside the door.

He closed the door behind him, and looked in front of him, he saw someone was in his chair, he couldn't see who it was since the chair's back was facing him, he even had a look in the mirror, but a blanket was all over the chair, so he couldn't see who it was from the mirror's perspective.

He raised an eyebrow, as he slowly approached the person in the chair, taking his time to walk, "Hey now, who's this?" He spoke up, there was still no movement from the person in the chair, "Are you a fan? A reporter?" He then rolled his eyes, "If that's you mom, I already told you, I am not giving that money back!" He put his hands on top of the blanket and swiftly threw it out in the back, making the chair roll to face him, his facial expression faded out for an expression of pure shock, "Holy shit!"

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