Chapter 9 - In The End

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The alarm clock blasted its waking sound through the bedroom, so loudly it felt the whole room was shaking from the sound of it, Angel kicked off the blanket off him, he tried to open his bloodshot eyes, only to be able to open them slightly from the tiredness and the sun's rays hitting him in the face through the window, he turned to the side and tapped his hand down on the alarm clock multiple times until he was able to push down the top button, finally shutting the alarm clock, he sighed in relief once he heard the silence, you can't hear silence, but that was what it made it so special.

Angel looked at the alarm clock, seeing it was 6:00 am. Even though he didn't sleep much last night, he set the alarm early so he wouldn't miss out on the bus today, then he thought about it for a bit, why did he try to pull an all-nighter? Then he remembered, there was a science trip this morning instead of the usual classes, that meant one thing; it was skippable.

Angel brought back the blanket on top of him as he went to sleep catching up the hours he skipped. Only two hours though, as his father opened the door and saw him still sleeping on his bed.

"Angel." His father called him out, loud enough to wake him up, "You're late."

Angel groaned, not bothering to open his eyes, "I've got a trip this morning, useless stuff."

His father wasn't convinced, "That's not an excuse. Get off the bed, before I drag you to your trip myself."

Seeing there was no way he would be able to convince his father, Angel sat open, "Fine. I'm going."

His father nodded, "Okay. Hurry up then." Then he walked away from the door as he went back downstairs.

After sitting on the bed for a bit, Angel decided to finally leave it, he prepared himself a bit quickly like usual, putting on whatever acceptable clothes he could find, comb his hair to the side, grab his backpack and go downstair towards the entrance of the house, since he was too late to take breakfast, he waved goodbye at his parents as they did the same, then he got out of the house and closed the door behind him.

He took in the outside world, a nice breeze hitting his body, he could look up at the blue sky without going blind since the clouds were covering the sun, what a nice day. But he was still late, so he had to run to the nearest bus stop. He saw he had just missed out on the bus, but he was still able to catch it on the road.

Angel was tapping on the bus' side, running as fast as he could trying to not get distanced by the bus, "Hey! Stop the bus!" He shouted towards the bus driver, trying to make him stop the bus. But still the bus continued.

The people inside the bus were enjoying the show, looking out through the windows and sarcastically encouraging him to continue, even the bus driver was getting good chuckles from him. But the girl with black hair, Jessie Marsh, wasn't as thrilled as everyone else from this display. She got up from her seat and walked up to the bus driver's side.

"Stop! Seriously, is this really that thrilling to you?" Jessie asked for the bus driver to stop and let Angel in.

The bus driver sighed, as he nodded to Jessie agreeing to stop the bus as he pressed on the brake pedal. The bus slowly stopped as Angel had finally reached the bus' doors, they opened as he quickly went inside the bus.

"Thanks." Angel thanked the bus driver with a bit of bitterness considering he didn't stop sooner.

The bus started up again as Angel walked avoiding the stares of the other students and ignoring the occasional paper ball thrown at him, he already made a fool of himself once today might as well not add another one to the list. He sat down to the seat by the side of Jessie, nodding his head at her to greet her.

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