6. High and Dry

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February 1986

It's the beginning of February, specifically the third. The weather is starting to warm up faster than I thought it would, more sun as well. I woke up this morning with more pep in my step than usual because I'm going to see Billy today. 

I told my mom I'm working the midday and night shift at the video store, so I could stay at his house for a while. I do my hair, makeup, wear some sneakers with pants and a cute top before going downstairs. My dad isn't at the table this morning so it's just my mom and I. 

I say, "Anne?" She stares at me, "Hm?" I ask, "When did you and baba know that you guys wanted to be together? Forever?" She says, "Well at first it wasn't anything like that. I was forced into a relationship with him. Not necessarily forced, but I found it to be a good opportunity. If it wasn't for your dad, I would probably be stuck in Turkey for my whole life. 

But I wanted to come to America. So I thought I'd marry him, why not? So we got married there and came here, then I got pregnant with you. It all happened in a matter of months, which is really fast for building a family. But at the time, I didn't love your dad. 

Only until we learned more about each other individually, more than just your my wife blah blah and your my husband blah blah. Once we actually had civil dates, spent time with you, I don't know. It's like everything fell in place and I got lucky that I head rushed into a relationship with your father. But that's just our story. Everyone's love is unique." 

I say, "Truthfully anne, it's sad and sweet at the same time." She nods, "It is. I was just 20 when I had you, not that much older than you are now. The years went by fast but still, I wish I savored my youth. But on the bright side, I had you and now we're living this nice life. So I thank Allah for that everyday." I smile, "Yeah." 

She says, "Why did you ask me?" I shrug, "I wasn't just thinking about stuff. It's just my endless curiosity." She says, "You got it from me." I say, "It's definitely not from dad." She says, "He goes to work, eats, and watches TV; not a single ounce of curiosity or creativity in his head." We both laugh and she says, "Finish your breakfast so you won't be late for school." I eat and then leave for class. 

I sit in the passenger seat of Billy's car, and he leans over to kiss me on the lips. "Good morning beautiful," he winks. I beam, "Good morning handsome." He says, "You're coming to my place after school right?" I nod, "Yes." He smirks, "Perfect." 

I say, "I'd love to stay more but class is starting soon, just thought I'd see you before I go in." He says, "It's fine with me, try not to think of me too much and pay attention to the board." I chuckle, "That's really hard, but I'll try. Bye." I give him another kiss before getting out of the car. I rush to class and sit in my seat. 

After this class, I go to history. I sit in the back like usual and wait till the teacher starts talking. But before the bell rings, Eddie walks over, dropping a piece of paper on my desk. He walks back to his seat and sits down. 

The bell rings and as the teacher begins class, I unravel the paper. It reads, "Hellfire today @6, you in princess? :) *horns drawn too*" I put the note in my bag and focused on class, plus the flooding thoughts of Billy. 

Once the bell rings, I stand up and start walking out of the door. Someone taps me on my shoulder and I turn my head to see the one and only, Eddie Munson. He says, "Are you coming?" "To what?" I ask. Eddie stares into my eyes as if that's going to answer my question. 

He sighs, "Hellfire Ilayda. Are you coming to Hellfire?" I say, "Oh, sorry I can't." "Why the hell not? You've never been to Hellfire," he whines. I chuckle at his puppy dog eyes and pout, "I promise I'll come one night, but whenever you guys schedule it for Monday, I can't come." 

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