12. Byer's

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It's Friday and tonight we have Hellfire. I get ready for school this morning, then go downstairs. My mom's prepared breakfast and my dad has already left for work. I say, "Anne, do you think you could help me make some snacks for my science and AV club tonight?" 

"What kind of snacks?" she asks. I responded, "Some Turkish things. Belki: sigara boregi, baklava, ve helva, yada lokma (Translation= Maybe: Spring roll, baklava, and tahini treat, or fried syrup dough. A/N: I recommend looking at photos of the dishes bc the translations don't do them justice lmao)." 

She says, "Are you sure your American friends will like it?" I nod, "One of them asked for Turkish food so I said I could make a few things for us next time." She says, "Oh that's surprising. After school we can make them all together." I nod, "Yes. Thank you anne, I'm going now." "Ok, bye, be safe," she replied. 

I go to school with Nancy and Robin. Nancy asks, "Do you guys want to do anything today? After school or something?" "Sorry, I'm working today," Robin replied. I say, "I'm going to Hellfire tonight, sorry." Nancy says, "Ok, guess I'll hang out with Jonathan." I ask, "How is it between you two? Good?" 

She nods, "Yeah. I didn't really want to bring it up because, I don't know it's kind of stupid. But turns out, Jonathan didn't want to go to the same college as me. He wants to pursue photography, full time. Start working at a newspaper office or something like that. And he told me that he was scared I'd be upset with him. 

Of course I was upset a little bit because I was thinking we'd both go off to this great college together. But I get why he was scared to tell me, he didn't want to upset me. We talked it out and now we're all good." "So what are you two going to two after graduation?" Robin asked. 

Nancy responded, "We're both still moving, but I'm actually going to the university while he tries to find a job focusing on photography around there. It's not like he doesn't want to leave, he just changed his mind about school, which is fine." I say, "That's good, you two are going to move away together pursuing what you each individually want." 

She smiles, "I'm glad we're back to the way we were before, no secrets between us." I say, "I'm happy for you Nancy, getting your dream school and your man." She smiles, "I'm feeling happy too." Robin says, "Now it's Ilayda and I's turn to get our lives together." "That's not possible," I laughed. 

She says, "Come on, I'm the one being optimistic for once. I'm sure we'll get it together before graduation." I say, "I hope so, or else we are screwed." Nancy says, "I believe in you two, go after your dreams." We sit in the car for a while longer till the bell is about to ring. 

I go to math then history. I sit in my seat and Eddie sits in front of me. I say, "Agatha is going to kick your ass one day." He shrugs, "I'll be fine, I have you to treat me." I say, "You getting hurt isn't funny Eddie." 

"Seeing you get worked up about it is adorable though," he chuckles. I take out a piece of paper and write, "Go back to your seat." I fold it and hand it to him. He reads it saying, "You could've just asked me to go." I say, "I did, and you didn't go." 

He stands up, "Fine, fine, keep drawing on your notebook. I'll leave you to it." I smile, "Thanks." Class starts and Eddie keeps turning backwards and smiling at me. I smile back, but at some point the teacher tells him to focus. 

Once the bell rings, I get up and go to the hall. Eddie walks beside me, "I hate that boring class. It'd be better if I got to sit next to you though." I shrug, "It's not a bad class, you just need to pay attention to school over me." He says, "What? You don't like my attention? Aren't I attractive?" "Your grades are not attractive," I laughed. 

He fake laughs, "Ha ha, funny. Are you coming to Hellfire tonight?" I say, "Yeah, but what time is it again?" "7," he replied. I nod, "Yeah, I'm coming." He says, "I don't want to bother you, but you said that you'd bring some Turkish food tonight. So will you?" I responded, "Yes, I'm going to make some snacks and desserts for us after school." 

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