13. Sleepover

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March 1986

A month passes and it's nearly the end of March. It's Saturday and today I'm working from 10 to 6. After I shower and get ready, I go downstairs for breakfast. My dad is sitting at the table and I ask, "Are you going to go to work today baba?" He shakes his head, "I get the weekends off from now on." "Really?" I asked. 

He nods, "Yes. They've had me working all week like a dog to get this office situated, and now it's alright so I get the weekends off." My mom says, "One day we can go to the mall or something, all together." I say, "Sure, I've been there already and it's great." "How about today?" my dad asks. 

I responded, "I have to go to work in a few minutes. Plus I'm going to Nancy's house for a sleepover tonight." My dad says, "Oh right, right, you told us yesterday. Maybe tomorrow then." I grin, "Tomorrow works with me, I'm not working." My mom says, "We'll all go and get your father some clothes to wear instead of the same wardrobe all the time." "He definitely needs it," I laugh. 

My dad drops me off at the Family Video store since he has the day off. He says, "Be safe, see you at home later." I nod, "Yeah, bye baba, thank you." I walk inside and Robin says, "Hey!" I smile, "Hey!" I'm working from 10-2 with Robin, then 2-6 with Steve. 

She says, "Hey, so Vickie is going to stop by in a few minutes. Is it ok if I leave for a bit? Not for long! Just like, thirty minutes or something." I say, "Yeah, that's fine. It's not hard to manage the store by myself. It's the morning too so we won't be busy." She says, "Thank you!" I shrug, "It's not a problem." 

I wear my vest and wait at the counter for customers. Vickie shows up and Robin says, "I'll be back." "Alright, bye," I replied. Robin hops in Vickie's car and they drive off. Mornings are typically slower, so I don't expect much and just sit on the counter listening to music. 

The door jingles and I say, "Welcome to Family Video store, may I help you find anything today?" "Yes, I'm looking for a pretty princess," Eddie grins. I roll my eyes and get off the counter. He comes around and hugs me. I say, "Woah, what's with the hug?" "Can I not just hug you?" he asked. "Ok...," I replied. 

I wrap my arms around him and hug him back. It feels like hugging a cozy teddy bear that smells like weed and a forest scent. He smells good though, oddly. His arms are around my waist and my arms are around his neck, both of us just comfortably leaning on the other. It feels so nice to be here with him like this. 

After a minute he lets go of me and sits on the counter. I ask, "What are you doing here?" "I got bored and wanted to see you," he shrugged. I say, "Well go hang out with Gareth and them, or Dustin, I'm sure he's free. Or maybe not, he might be talking to Suzie." 

Eddie says, "I don't want to hang out with them, I want to see you." "Here I am," I smile. We stare at each other for a bit where i notice his eyes are slightly glossy with a red hue around it as well. I ask, "Were you smoking on your way here?" 

He shrugs, "Just a bit. So what should we do?" I say, "I don't know about you, but I'm working." He looks around the store and scoffs, "Working? There is nothing to do here." I say, "I'm waiting for customers. And when they come, I'll help them out." 

He says, "But until then, talk to me." I say, "Ok fine." I sit on the counter beside him and he says, "Who's stereo is that?" I shrug, "Steve found it a while back in the back room. And so now we just listen to music while working if there's no one in the store." 

Eddie says, "What's it playing right now? It's so quiet." I turn up the volume and he says, "Queen, nice." I smile, "It's my favorite so it's what I like to play." He says, "I'm kinda hungry, do you have any snacks here?" 

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