3. Darts

378 16 1

!Warning: Slight sexual content this chapter!

It's Friday and I have my special date with Billy tonight. I got ready this morning with a shower, shaving every part of my body, brushing my teeth, natural makeup, and styling my hair. I wear brown pants with an orange top. I get my stuff together and go downstairs to eat breakfast. 

My dad says, "How is school going Ilayda?" I shrug, "It's alright." My mom says, "She's even made some new friends." "Really?" my dad asks. I nod, "Just two or three really." He says, "Boys?" 

I sigh, "No baba, not boys. One of my friends is Nancy, she showed me around the school. And my other friend is Robin, I have two classes with her. And there are some freshmen I know. But that's all." My mom says, "Boys are no good Ilayda, remember that because we're new here. They probably see you as some type of prize." "Anne, I'm not some kind of model or anything," I replied. 

She says, "Ilayda you can't see how pretty you are, but everyone else does. Plus, you are tan, brunette, have a good facial structure, nice style, and you're nice to everyone. What is there not to like about you? One day someone is going to come around and make you realize your worth. Not now, not in a month, not in a year, but after you graduate college." 

I laugh, "Ok, sure anne." My dad says, "Your mother is right." I say, "I get it, I need to realize my self worth, got it." I sat there picking at my food for a while. I say, "Oh and...can I go over to Nancy's house today? We're going to be studying for a quiz." "What time?" my father asks. 

I responded, "I think 7 or 8, I'll check with her again to be sure though." My mom says, "Ok, just don't be home later than 10." I say, "Can it be maybe 11? It's a rigorous course, meaning harder quizzes, which means we need to study more." My father says, "10pm." I sigh, "Ok. I'm going to go now, bye." They say bye to me and I walk to school. 

As I'm about to go into the school, someone steps in my way. I start, "Um who are-" I look up to see Billy staring at me. He smirks, "Hey beautiful." "Hi handsome," I replied. We talk without ever breaking eye contact. He says, "I was meaning to ask, are you from around here? You just look so...different." 

I say, "Actually I moved here from Atlanta, but I am Turkish if that explains my looks." He says, "I didn't mean it in a bad way, just that you're so beautiful in a way I've never seen before." I say, "Oh really? I'm that special huh?" He nods, "Yes. I was waiting for your call all week." 

I responded, "Sorry, I've been busy." "With?" he stares. I shrug, "Some things here and there." "Not a boyfriend I hope," he says. I laugh, "No, not a boyfriend." He says, "Even if so, I'd win you over." "Oh would you now?" I ask. He nods, "Yes." 

I say, "Hey, about tonight, what time should I come over?" He rests his hands on my waist replying, "My house at 8?" "Perfect," I replied. And just as he was leaning in to kiss me, I took his arms off me saying, "I have to go to class now, bye Billy." "Bye, see you tonight," he winks. 

I walk inside and start walking to my class. Something grabs my arm and spins me around. In front of me is Eddie. I stare at him, "Harsh." He says, "Sorry, but what was that?" "What?" I ask. He says, "You and..." "Billy?" I finished. He nods, "Yeah, why were his hands on you like that?" 

I pull my arm out of his grip, "Nothing." He says, "Are you sure?" I nod, "Yes, I let him do that. It's fine." "Alright," he replied. I go to my locker and open it while Eddie stands beside me. He asks, "Did he ask you out?" I nod, "Yes." Eddie says, "Oh...ok. I'm going to class, bye." I say, "Bye." When I turn to look at him, he's already gone. 

I go to math, and then go to biology. I sat in the class wondering, "What's his problem?" At the end of class, Eddie comes rushing after me in the halls to chat again. We talk about some Corroded Coffin things. Then I say bye to Eddie and go to biology. 

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