10. Burgers

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The weekend passes by; no contact with Eddie, we got a few calls but I just found some way to ignore them. But since it's Monday, school day again, I'm going to see him undoubtedly. Begrudgingly, I wake up, and get ready for school. I wear jeans with a white, beige cardigan on top. 

I eat with my family downstairs, then get in Nancy's car for school. Robin looks at me, "What's up with you?" "What do you mean?" I ask. She says, "Your acting, more moody this morning." I say, "No I'm not." Nancy says, "You are though. What's wrong? You can tell us." 

I shrug, "It's really nothing. Not that big of a deal. I'm just a bit stressed, but I'll deal with it." Robin says, "Ilayda we're here for you if you want to talk. Ok?" I nod, "Yes I know, I promise I'm fine though." Nancy says, "Hope your frown turns to a smile today." 

Robin says, "You've been moody all weekend actually, even at work yesterday." I laugh, "I promise I'm fine, see *points to my smile* I'm smiling!" Robin says, "Fine, we'll drop it." We get to school and I get out thanking Nancy for driving me like usual. I see Eddie's car, and bolt past it. 

I go into my math class and let out a sigh of relief because I'll be able to avoid him for another hour. But that sigh of relief turns to a breath of panic once the bell rings. I slowly walk to history, and when I go to class, Eddie's already in his seat. I accidentally stare a bit too long because he looks up and sees me. 

I immediately walk to my seat and get out my materials to focus on class. I can't do this; the anxiety built within my chest is too heavy for this. The bell rings and I get up and out of class quicker than Eddie can process a thought. I sit through biology and literature dreading lunch. 

So I decided to get my lunch and sit outside today. I take out a book and read it while I eat my food. A few moments later I noticed someone walking up to me. "Why are you sitting out here?" Max asks. She tries sitting next to me so I scoot over. 

I say, "Oh, I'm just reading." She says, "Why not inside?" I shrug, "It's quiet out here, harder to focus in there." "Did something happen to you and Eddie?" she asks. I say, "What makes you say that?" She responded, "He's acting moody and staring at your seat or whatever. He hasn't said a word in the first five minutes of lunch, which is a record for him. And I don't think he will say anything." 

I say, "Ok Max, if I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone else? It's not a big problem, so I don't want it to spread or anything." She says, "Yeah, you can tell me anything. Promise I won't tell, not even to El." 

We made a pinky promise and I said, "Friday, Valentine's day, Eddie invited me over to his house. I thought something like oh well just eat and watch a movie together because we're both single friends, that's why I said yes to being his Valentine, because why not? But what made things so awkward for us is that he told me he likes me. And not as a friend likes me, but likes me likes me. So I gave no response to him aside from leaving his place." 

Max grins, "That's why he's acting like that and you're out here?" I slowly nod, "I don't know what to do Max. I'm not ready for a relationship, I don't know if I will be during my time here in Hawkins. I jumped too fast into one with Billy, and look how that turned out for me." 

Max says, "One thing I can tell you; Eddie is nothing like Billy. We've all known he's liked you since you've been here." "Really?" I asked. She says, "At the DND meeting that happened like a day or two after he saw you at school, he wouldn't stop talking about you. Ilayda this, Ilayda that. We all could tell he likes you." 

I say, "Was it that obvious?" She nods, "Hell yeah." I sigh, "Honestly, I think I like Eddie too." She asks, "Then what's holding you back?" "Like I said, I don't think being in a relationship will be good for me. I'm graduating in a few months, and so is he. I don't think I need to get attached to him." 

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