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was currently sitting with lexi reading over her script for the play. "this sounds fucking sick lexi" she complemented, Lexi smiled. "thanks. I still can't believe it's only in a few days" she said, letting out a short breath.

Greyson could see her stress written on her face obviously nervous for the outcome. She grabbed her wrist gently, "your gonna do great lex" she assured, earning an appreciative smile.

The last bell rung and both girls began to pack up there stuff.

"have a good day students" the science teacher called. they both nodded acknowledging him before leaving together in the hall.

"So what's your plans today?" Lexi asked, "Uh. i gotta go back to my moms"

Lexi scrunched her brows. "for what?"

"more clothes— I mean half my shit is there. I can't keep avoiding it. It's been months since I've seen them" she explained, Lexi nodded understandingly.

"Do you miss your mom?" She quizzed. grey shrugged. "miss my old mom. Ya know the one who'd bake me, you and Maddy cookies for our sleepovers, and hang up my drawings on our fridge"

"and your dad?"

She shrugged again. "my dads always been just my dad, we've never really had a great connection, but I don't not miss him."

Lexi nodded, "I get it, you need a ride?" She wondered.

She was about to respond no when she received a message.

Ash 🤭
Hey ma, I can't pick u up td

Np, everything okay?
yea, just gotta do business,
U gotta ride? yes, stay safe>3

U too ma

"actually yes, I do." Greyson chuckled lightly.

Lexi nodded, "it's this way" she said leading her through the parking lot.

The ride was quick, both girls jamming out to old school Justin beiber.

She laughed loudly, "god I haven't heard that song in years"

Lexi giggled. "Our six year old Selves would be disappointed"

she slowed down when they got to her house. "you gonna be okay here?" Lexi asked.

"yea. there probably in there room anyways" she said open the car door. "thank you for the ride"

"no problem Grey. Any time"

she smiled closing the door behind her. "bye" she shouted crossing the street.

"bye!" Lexi called back screeching down the street.

she walked up to the door she hadn't seen in awhile and the rows of bushes.

she gulped, knocking she waited a moment before the door was pulled open, "Hello?"

She blinked her eyes as her mom starred back at her. She was wearing a white blouse and black jeans with a few necklaces draped down her kneck as well as her nails freshly done and a smile plastered on her face.


"Greyson is that you?" she asked opening the door wider to get a better look at her daughter.

She furrowed her brows, "you look so.." md began.

"different? yea I'm sober now" the older woman smiled.

"you look different as well.. I mean" she said softly, starring at Greysons tattoos that peaked through her shirt.

"You got tattoos, and died your hair." Her mother observed bringing her tan hand up to twirl her hair. Greyson was so shocked, frozen in place.

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