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Usually Greyson was forced to go to every or almost every party because profit was always good at parties they had all different customers. drunk teenagers wanting to experiment with drugs to college kids who are clinging onto the high school experience and then there are the normals teens who just want some weed but either way it's the gold ticket to making money in there particular job.

"Just weed?" Greyson asked once of her regular costumers, he nodded. "Yea, Trying to lay off the hard core shit."

Greyson likes to say that she didn't care about each druggie that she supplied too but she did. It  was nice seeing them slowly getting better until they stoped coming, while that usually meant they overdose and was dead in an alley somewhere five percent of the time it meant they got clean. She smiled pulling out the weed sliding it discreetly into his hand while grabbing the twenty you never knew who's eyes were lurking. "Pleasure doin business" the boy nodded walking away while she passed the money to Ashtray who passed it too fez who slid the money into his pocket.

She didn't remember a time she wasn't around them two they were like her personal body guards and even if she'd say she's okay they didn't take no's for an answer so they came along to help her with business they new that she was  fully capable of doing it herself but drugs addicts will do crazy things for there fixes and they don't want her to be in the mix with that so for now she was a 3 for 1 deal.

"you drank?" Ashtray asked her she leaned into his touch. "Nah." She mumbled dropping her head onto his shoulder she was really tired and had been for the past week she didn't know what it was but her body ached as well so she didn't want to push herself and drink Alcohol. "Why do you seem so drowsy are you okay?" He asked concerned seeing her eyes were fluttering shut. She nodded sleepily, "just tired." The boys shared a look both of them had picked up on it.

"Sure you okay Grey?" Fez asked glancing at her from his seat on the white lawn chair. She nodded blinking her eyes open, "I'm gonna get some water I'll be back." She told him walking away from where the party was. which consisted of a house filled with coolers of booze and tons of people taking all types of drugs from Weed to molly.

she pushed through the sweaty body's to the inside of the house searching for the kitchen before realizing she had no idea where that was since she hadn't been in Nate Jacobs house since forever.

"cassie!" She was surprised to see the girl was here only reason Cassie really attended one of Nate's party's was because of Maddy but Maddy wasn't here. she had been noticing the change in her for the past few weeks. Canceling plans, Sleeping in longer and giving maddy the cold shoulder. She couldn't help but think it had something too do with a boy it usually did but anytime she tried to reach out too Cassie she conveniently always had something too do it made Grey wonder if there's something she wasn't telling them.

She didn't respond she kinda looked like a fish outa water. "Hey Cas" she smiled.

"..-hey." She waved awkwardly.

"Didn't realize you knew Nate so well."

Cassie pursed her lips and her eyes went wide for a second. "What do you mean-" she chuckled nervously. "I mean. I don't- not really... I wouldn't say he's a—friend." She uttered, acting really suspicious. "...okay." Greyson chuckled. "Do you know where the kitchen is?"

The girl went silent for a second she practically had sweat dripping from her forehead. "Why would I know where that is?" she asked. Greysons face scrunched up, "Never mind Cassie." She sighed pushing past her what ever was going on with her she didn't want to know because it was clearly so bad she couldn't even tell one of her closest friends.

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