Leaving London

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Anastasia twisted hands nervously as she stood at the end of the corridor, lingering there to give her time to build up her courage. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she began to stride down the hallway, growing more determined with each step. A few of the ladies passing smiled and greeted her as she tried not to feel some regret for what she was about to do. It was the right decision, she was sure, but doubt had a nasty habit of stealing its way into her mind. Nevertheless, she continued purposefully towards the last office door, which was slightly ajar. She entered the room, tapping the door frame and opening her mouth to announce her arrival, but halted quite suddenly, taken aback by what she saw.

Stella Campbell was present as expected. She was bent over her desk, looking terribly busy as usual, but even with her head lowered, Anastasia could see prison had changed her. The cuts and bruises she had received had faded to little more than pale reminders of the rally, but there was something far more worrying about her appearance. Her face was drawn and gaunt. The dark circles under her eyes were emphasised by her now ghostly-pale skin. Having noticed Anastasia, she reached out a hand, gesturing for her guest to sit and Anastasia saw how bony and frail it had become.

She looked up at last and said brusquely, "Lady Anastasia, good morning."

Anastasia couldn't help but notice she didn't seem particularly pleased to see her. It wasn't wholly unusual - Stella had always had a rather business-like manner -  but now, Anastasia only felt pained that her presence was adding to the lady's suffering.

"Miss Campbell, forgive me if it is too soon - I came to speak to you, but I understand if you are not - "

"No," Stella murmured, holding a hand up to silence her. She took a deep breath and Anastasia saw that even such a small action was not easy for her. "Please, if you must speak, then speak."

A crease appeared between Anastasia's eyebrows. "If you are sure, Miss Campbell. Though, if you do not mind my saying so, you do not look well."

A wry smile tugged at Stella's mouth. "Holloway is not run with our comfort in mind." She shook her head, changing her tone. "But there! It is not as though I haven't experienced it before. I must hurry, if you do not mind. I thought I had - " she rummaged around her desk, eventually producing a copy of Votes For Women, " - Ah, yes, I was quite impressed by your article, Lady Anastasia. You captured the actions of the police just wonderfully."

Anastasia lowered her eyes, mildly embarrassed. "Yes. It was actually about the article that I came - "

"Would you be willing to become a regular reporter?" Stella cut-in, rendering the other girl speechless.

"I - Ah - What?"

"You could write a report, like this one, on each of our demonstrations. We already have a few women doing it, but what with their being arrested every other week, we need as many as possible."

"Well, I - "

"Of course, you would have to attend most, if not all, of our events and I understand you are leaving London soon, however - "

"No," Anastasia said quietly, but firmly.

" - there is always a - I beg your pardon?" Stella asked, surprised.

Anastasia hesitated. "I am afraid, Miss Campbell, that I cannot accept such an offer."

"But - "

"I thank you," she went on before Stella could, "for everything you and the WSPU have done for me. For helping me see the great injustice there is in the world. I thank you, but I came here to tell you that I shall not be continuing my membership of the WSPU."

Stella stared at her in stunned silence for a few moments. "I see," she said eventually. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking weary. "I heard, you know, about my brother's actions on the day of the demonstration."

Anastasia nodded. "I beg you not to think ill of him for doing so. I understand how it may appear to you, but I assure you that Ja - Mr James Campbell only wished to see that I was not hurt. He saved me from doing some rather reckless things, the consequences of which could have been...regrettable for me and my family," she said. She cleared her throat. "I have since decided that, though I believe firmly in fighting for the rights of women, the methods of the Social and Political Union are too violent for my liking."

Stella was silent. She stood up shakily from her chair and moved to the door, closing it softly. "Usually," she began, making her way back to her desk, "when a member who became as involved as you did wishes to leave, we do not take very kindly to her decision."

Anastasia averted her eyes, readying herself for whatever she might say next.

"And certainly we do not take kindly to those women who do not mind their being taken away, without their permission, from a demonstration."

"Miss Campbell - "

"I hope you understand that."

"Yes, naturally I - "

"However, while I cannot say I am in any way pleased, I believe your case may be an exception. To me, at least." Anastasia looked up in surprise and Stella swallowed. Again, Anastasia noticed her worn countenance. "The Cause is of the utmost importance to me, and I am willing to give almost anything for it. There was a time, I will concede, that I thought ill of anyone who did not share my views, but I have since come to realise that our ways are not suited to everyone."

Anastasia frowned. What has caused such a change?

"I am not sure what we shall do, without you or Adelaide...And I suppose I must thank you, Lady Anastasia, for your help over the past few months. I'm afraid we're losing one of our most dedicated members."

Anastasia, unexpectedly, felt tears prick the back of her eyes her eyes. "You needn't worry, Miss Campbell. I will still support the Cause, however I can."

Stella Campbell nodded. "I am glad to hear that. My family grew particularly fond of you, I know. You became quite as good a friend as Adelaide. Even Felicity asks for you." Stella managed a smile, but Anastasia could see what little energy she had was sapping rapidly. "Whenever you are in London again, I hope you will call on us."

"Miss Campbell, I would be very pleased if you would come to stay at Avondale this weekend with your family," Anastasia said. "Rebecca told me you were not coming, but I hope you will. Adelaide is coming, and her brothers are to stay at Fawley, with my cousin."

Stella shook her head. "Thank you, Lady Anastasia, for your kind invitation, but I have so much - "

"Oh, please, Miss Campbell!" Anastasia begged. "You look so tired. A few days in the country would do wonders for your health. And it may be the last time we are all together, for Adelaide especially, for at least a few years. There should be some celebration, should there not? Please."

Stella heaved a sigh, looking down at her frail hands, and, to Anastasia's delight, relented. "I shall think on it."

"In that case, I hope to see you very soon, Miss Campbell."

And it would be very soon. The Graysons had arrived home from France and the Banks intended to join them in Kent the following day. The Season was coming to an end. They were leaving London, at last.


Author's Note

Good news! I've more or less finished writing this in my head, and actually started to go back, editing the first few chapters. That's major progress in my mind!

So yes, dear readers, we are nearing the end (and I mean the very, very end). Just a few more chapters to go!

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