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"Are you ready yet Layla?" Evangeline yells, glaring at the bathroom door.

"Eve!" Groans Layla, "I just got in here."

I laugh, "Babe, you've been in there for a half-hour."

"You too, Claudia?" She asks, "Just go without me! I'll meet you in the courtyard."

"Suit yourself!" I yell, walking into the bustling common room.

The great hall is busy as always. Students are running around, trying to sit with others not in their house. People are coming in and out, excited to continue with their weekend activities. We sit, and I make eye contact with Draco. He gets up from his seat, and I quickly look away.

"Where do you think he's going?" Evangeline asks, matching my gaze.

"It looks like he's coming over here," States Cedric, not letting his eyes off Malfoy.

"Please," I scoff, "like he'd want to be associated with the most 'useless' house at Hogwarts."

A boy behind me laughs. "Well, I associate myself with you don't I, Prince." Draco smirks, looking down at me.

I freeze, not turning around to look at him. "Jesus you walk fast."

Draco laughs, then leans in, whispering in my ear. "I want you to tell me the truth. Are you going to that Gryffindor party or not."

"I really don't think that's any of your business," I say, flabbergasted. Maybe I shouldn't go to this party? I'll have to ask Fred and George if they're planning anything different.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," he says quickly, "Just stay away from Adrian Pucey. He's been talking... and... well—" he trails off. He stands up, looking back to his table. "Well now I must go. I don't want people thinking I'm displaying affection for any other house besides my own, far superior one." He smirks, and makes his way back to the Slytherin table.

"What was that about?" Cedric asks, still looking at Draco.

"He was just telling me to stay away from Adrian. Adrian Pucey," I say, thinking about if I've met Adrian or not.

Evangeline scowls at the name. Her expression is ridged, and she looks down to her clean, white plate.

"Is there something I don't know about him?" I ask, "he's some quidditch-obsessed Slytherin, right?"

"He's known to try and date almost any girl that catches his attention." Evangeline says, "He makes them catch feelings for him, and then dumps them the second he gets bored, or mad, or...." she quits ranting, and looks between Cedric and I. "You're the new girl... probably the only one he hasn't won over yet."

"Please, Eve, just because you have problems with an ex doesn't mean..."

"He's not my ex!" Evangeline says a little too loudly.

Cedric sniggers. Eve sends him a death glare, and he tries to hide his smile.

"Please," Eve says while rolling her eyes, "your just as bad, Diggory."

Cedric puts both of his hands up in surrender.

I look between the two, scoffing. "Children."

Eve and I make our way into the courtyard. It's busy, and full of students chatting, studying, and playing gobstones. The grass patches in the courtyard are beginning to turn brown with the cold temperatures. The leaves in the forbidden forest have been turning orange. Summer has definitely left us, and fall is beginning to bring in winter weather. We spot Layla, sitting on a bench in one of the corners, fiddling with her wand. We set up the game, and the topic of Rosa pops up.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now