
17 1 3

A/N: Ty to Taylor Swift for getting me through this chapter. Proud to be in your top 13% of listeners on Spotify.🫶 I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best, I kind of was in a slump with it. I promise the next one will be better.

I open my eyes to a red, plush blanket that I immediately recognize as not my own. I sit up, the room around me coming into focus. I must've fallen asleep in George's room. Last night comes into my mind, and I think about the hours of conversation I had with George last night. Some about Cedric, most not. My head nearly spins from the sudden change of levels. I put my head in my hands, and my forehead grazes against the sunshine yellow, Hufflepuff sweatshirt I was wearing the night before. I seem to be the only one in the room.

I check the clock, and see it's eight-thirty. Everyone must be at breakfast. I scoot down the bed, moving out of the way of the cascading scarlett canopy that's neatly tied to the bed. I brace for my feet to touch the cold floor, but instead they're met with a fuzzy blanket. George must've slept on the floor after I had fallen asleep.

I smile to myself. All this time I've thought Cedric was the kind, compassionate one, but in reality George has also been here. I step over the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor, making my way to the bathroom. I frown, glancing in the mirror, my dark hair in a frizzy mess. My hair is dark like my fathers but the ocasional wave comes from someone I don't know.

A hair tie that looks as if it's made for thick hair lays on the counter, and I can't help but wonder who it's from. Fred and George have longer hair, but by no means is it long enough to fit in a hair tie like this. I pick up the object, and it's soft to the touch. I go to wrap it around the mess of my hair, but stop, thinking about how I don't know who it belonged to. One look in the mirror makes me forget whatever doubts about cleanliness I had.

I slip on the ballet slippers I had on the night before. Looking around the room, I can't help but feel so grateful for the friends I've found. Besides Rosa, everyone I've met have truly created a sense of found family. My hand grazes the cool doorknob, and suddenly I find myself in front of a group of Gryffindor boys, gawking at me.

Well, shit.

If I learned one thing at Hogwarts it's that gossip moves fast. Really, really fast. I'm surprised word about my feelings for Cedric hasn't spread. Then again I have faith in Cedric to keep things private. I quickly put my head down and exit the common room, ignoring the group of students that were watching me in my sunshine yellow sweatshirt with curiosity.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

The library has been kind of an escape for me since I've been at Hogwarts. The dark woods soaking up the light from outside creates a sense of comfort. When I'm in the library, it's just me. My friends, father, and whatever worries I have are shut out. I don't think about Sirius Black or Rosa. I'm fully emerged into my book or homework.

"May I?"

My head lifts at the soft, low whisper coming from across the small table in front of me. Adrian is there. I feel a smile creep up on my face. The black, not ironed shirt he's wearing just brings more attention to his light skin. It's as if his smirk is glowing in contrast to the dark scenery around us. Every part of me wants him to sit down. Last time we talked, something in my mind clicked. He's more than what I saw that one night. Something about him is special, I can feel it. He's an exception. Maybe without the flaws we wouldn't have the almost friendship we have now.

Despite wanting him to sit, I give him a playful smile. "Why would you want to?"

He pulls the chair he was standing behind to be right next to me, the noise rattling through the quiet library. "Because I have this urge to come talk to you every time I see you," he whispers.

I laugh, "I'm that interesting?"

"Of course," he says, "you don't give yourself enough credit."

I try and hide my blush. Lately in potions or while we've been working on our partner assignment he's been extra complimentary. Maybe it's flirting, maybe it's not. I have a feeling it's just Adrian being Adrian. Regardless, I like it. It makes me feel confident, even on mornings like this where I'm not wearing any makeup and my hair is barely accounted for. He sits, smiling.

"Have you finished with the chapter I told you to read?" I whisper, looking into his warm brown eyes.

"Would you be mad if I said I didn't?" He asks.

I frown, rolling my eyes. "What happened to the boy that listened to everything I said. I swear the past couple of days you've changed."

"New year, new man, Claudia," he states, jotting a note down in the textbook in front of him. Hearing my name come out of his mouth makes my stomach do a backflip. I smile. When I'm around him I swear my lips hurt from all of the smiling. "Honestly, I'm more comfortable around you. Less nervous of messing up."

"Again?" I ask, my smile gone.

"Again." He nods. His hand drops his pen, and it finds it's way on top of mine. I look at our hands on the table, and I feel my heart pick up. I know I feel something for him, but it feels so soon to move on from Cedric. "Your hair is really pretty up," he finally whispers.

I smile, "I think it would look better with your clips."

He lightly squeezes my hand, "me too." I look at his pink lips. They look soft, and I suddenly want to feel how smooth they are. My sudden feelings are scaring me. I can't be falling for Adrian Pucey. I can forgive him, but surely I can't fall for him. Despite what my head says, my heart wants to taste what he had for breakfast.

"Adrian," I say after a minute, collecting my composure. "I promise this will be the last time I bring this up..."

He nods, "you know how sorry I am. I don't expect you to feel anything but angry towards me. It's... delicate."

"You know what scares me?" I whisper.


"I'm not angry. I haven't been for a long time. I love being around you frankly. I look forward to potions."

"That means the world to me, Claudia," he responds. "You don't know how much I've been wanting you to say that."

"Do you know what else scares me?" I suggest.

"What?" He asks.

"I think of you, a lot."

He grins, and his white teeth make my heart flutter. "Those must be happy thoughts."

"I don't just think about you..." I say. "I think about how much I like you."

"Like me?" He teases. His hand moves from my hand to the stray piece of hair hanging in front of my face. He wraps the piece of hair around my finger and then lets it go. "You aren't thinking scary thoughts about me now, are you?" I want his hand to touch more than the front piece of of my hair. I think he's what I need. Maybe the heartbreak with Cedric was supposed to lead me to this.

I nod, "I'm thinking about...kissing you."

"Then do it," he mumbles. He leans towards me, his face inches away from mine. I can feel his hot breath lay over my skin, urging me to close the gap between us. "See if it's scary."

My lips meet his, and I feel my heart rate pick up even more. His hand finds it's way on the side of my neck, and I feel him smile. All I can think about is how this is right.

More right than it would ever have been with Cedric, I'm sure.

A/N: im sorry.

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