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"Dia, come on," George whines, following me out of the great hall, "It'll be fun."

I turn, looking up at the boy in front of me with my best attempt at a glare. "Meeting Sirius would've been more fun, but you insist on letting Harry go instead."

"It's not like Lupin would've let you go anyways," states Opal, trailing behind the two of us.

I frown, choosing to ignore the piece of information she just provided. "Since when are you here?"

She lets out a laugh, and I can't help but smile. Even on my worst days her happiness is so contagious. Something about her is so charming and authentic.

"I heard from a little birdie," she states, "that Harry was denied access to Hogsmede. I thought you should probably know considering your plan..."

"You told her the plan?" George gasps.

Opal let's out a snarky smile. "Obviously. She tells me everything, ginger. Better to come to terms with it sooner than later."

George rolls his eyes, and continues polite conversation with Opal on our walk to grab my snow gear from my dorm. I watch as he has a real, honest conversation with her and something inside of me seams to soar. I can't help but think of Halloween, and when Opal said she liked George. I'm not sure why, but I immediately trust someone more when I know Opal trusts them. She's been my rock for so long, some days it feels like we're practically the same person. If she doesn't like someone, neither do I, and if I like someone, so does she. It's refreshing to always have a second opinion on people I surround myself with. In this case, seeing her talk to George so easily makes me happy. I feel as if even when we were apart, some part of me wondered what Opal would have thought of my friends now.

I slip on my knitted gloves, jacket, and earmuffs. I always look stupid in hats or earmuffs, but I grew up in New York. I know how quickly the cold latches onto your ears if you aren't covered. Even though my father escaped all of his problems by moving me to England, the cold is something that seems to follow us around.

Opal, George and I walk out into the main courtyard. Delicate snowflakes are already beginning to coat the sidewalk that's been shoveled multiple times now. The sky seems to match the ground, the bright white taking over the entire landscape. Groups of students huddle out of the yard, heading towards the clock tower to meet a professor to escort them to the village. They're all bundled in thick fleeces and sweaters that cover nearly half of their face. I notice Opal looking around, and I can't quite help but wonder for who. After a minute, she pauses. Hesitantly, she turns to me.

"Have you seen Draco at all today?"

I shake my head, trying to mask my confusion. "Last time I talked to him had to be a week or two ago. Is there a reason why?"

She shrugs, but I see a slight excitement in her eye. "He and a few of his friends wanted me to join them at Hogsmede."

"You're spending time with third years? What happened to surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals?" I taunt.

A smile lingers on her lips, "That's a petty way of seeing my friend selection, isn't it? I am friends with you after all."

I put a hand to my heart and drop my jaw, giving the best over the top expression I can deliver. "I'm absolutely perplexed!" I exclaim, "In what world is Draco Malfoy more intelligent than me?"

"Draco is different, Claudia," Opal says. I can't help but notice a certain tone to her voice. It's surprising, I haven't heard her speak this highly of a boy... ever. Poor Auggie doesn't even get this much praise. "He just gets me..."

"Okay..." I say, rolling my eyes. "You're going to give off the wrong message though... going after a third year. People will think you're a cougar or something."

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now