𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕪🍗

794 31 40

so funny because my life went completely downhill on monday LMAO

6:45 pm

Y/n had just left daichi's house, and she was feeling like absolute shit. She knows she probably shouldn't have snapped at daichi, but someone had to be real with him before he drowns himself in the fantasy he believes.

Better her rather than someone else, right?


Now that she really thinks about it, where is she going to go now? She doesn't really want to go home...

So, she decides on wandering the streets until she genuinely has no idea where she is, which is honestly dangerous.

She's y/n though. She doesn't give a fuck. Although, she does have some issues she needs to work on, and she acknowledges that. She pats herself on the back for trying to be a functioning member of society.

Anyways, she now finds herself... in front of a school?

Y/n takes a step closer to the school to look at the sign, only to realize its shiratorizawa.

'How the fuck did i end up at shiratorizawa?' she snorts, realizing how lost in her thoughts she became along the journey.

The unforunate thing is that she has no idea how to get back home, considering how she wasn't paying attention as to where she was walking to.

She slowly backs away from the school and turns to walk the other direction back home, when she notices a red haired male across the street.

Was that tendou?


Yeah. That was tendou.

"Y/n!" tendou yells as he races across the street and up to y/n. His steps come to a halt when he's right in front of her. He has a worried look on his face?

"Y/n... why are you crying?" the redhead asks, placing a gentle hand on y/n's shoulder, while the other hand brings his sleeve out more so he can wipe her tears.

"I was crying?" y/n asks, tilting her head to the side. Now that she's actually paying attention, she feels her eyes sting and her face become hot.

"I.. uh... yeah? how did you not know?" Tendou asks, sounding genuinely confused for once.

Y/n lets out a choked laugh. "Let's just say i haven't had the best night ever.."

"Oh baby..." Tendou pulls y/n in for a brief hug, "you wanna sit down somewhere and talk about it?"

The h/c haired girl sniffles, feeling hot tears slide down her face once again. "Yes, please."

Tendou grabs her hand and starts leading her to a place just around the corner from where they currently were. When they reached the bench, Tendou sat down, then pulled the girl to sit down beside him.

He placed a hand on her knee, as if ushering her to speak her mind.

It all came out so fast, y/n isn't quite sure if Tendou understood any of it.

"So basically Daichi is super pissed because Suga is dating Kuroo, and he likes Suga, which is a fact that Kuroo also knew, but ignored. So I was trying to help Daichi figure things out before he did something he'd regret, but lo and behold, he had already texted Suga about his feelings for him, which is the thing I told him exactly NOT to do. I ended up getting mad at him for it because he should've just listened to me, and he had the audacity to get mad at ME for simply trying to help him over these feelings which should've been dealt with AGES ago!" Y/n started breathing heavily as more tears streamed down her face.

She looked over at Tendou, who looked like he understood all of it.

"Baby... you shouldn't have to worry about that kind of thing. If they aren't your feelings, you shouldn't deal with them." Tendou stated, pulling her into a hug.

"I know, b-but I just wanted to help him..." Y/n said through choked sobs.

"Trust me baby, I know, but not everyone realizes they need help. It's like the difference between right and wrong, yes and no. You see, some people don't know the difference between them, so they do what they want or need without realizing that some of their actions have consequences. They need to be told the difference, or else they're gonna live the rest of their life not knowing what's good and what isn't. So it isn't your fault, it's his. If I'm being completely honest right now, I really don't agree with what he did. You're in the right for thinking he should've listened. He's in the wrong for not listening. You know?" Y/n nodded.

"I never took you as the person to say stuff like that while someone is breaking down..." Y/n admitted, stifling out a laugh.

Tendou presented a fake look of hurt and placed a hand over his heart. "I'm deeply hurt, y/n."

After a moment, both him and y/n started laughing together.

"Thank you, for this. I'm extremely grateful that you decided to become serious with me." Y/n smiled gratefully.

"Well y/n, I should thank you for the honor of letting me see you in such a vulnerable state. I'd be more than happy to talk to you seriously again if you need it." Tendou smiled back and pulled y/n into another hug.

"Now," Tendou continued, "how about we go get some food or something? I am absolutely starving."

Y/n giggled, "yeah, I'd like that."




anyways ily all sm ty for waiting

*i put this through google docs so i hope there aren't any spelling mistakes cuz yk i type pretty fast when i'm on my laptop💪*

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