𝕆𝕙 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝🤷‍♀️

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a whole lotta toxic suna + y/n because this story needs spice, and i felt like writing something genuinely heartbreaking.

!!TW!!: verbal abuse, mentions of past abuse, toxic suna + y/n

i'm putting warnings AGAIN. don't say I didn't warn you.

10:30 pm

shortly after suna and y/n stopped crying, they decided to just talk for a bit.

"so like, don't get me wrong, you're cute and all but," y/n continued. "do people actually want to date you?"

"just fucking say i'm not your type oh my god" suna mumbled.

"what was that?" y/n asked, since she wasn't able to hear what suna just said.

"oh..uh... nothing. yeah, nothing." suna said, while y/n just shrugged it off.

"anyways, I guess people just find me attractive." suna stated.

"101 ways to be cocky, featuring suna rintarou from the inarizaki high school volleyball team." y/n teased, making suna pout.

"Im sorry. I just didn't know how to word it." suna crossed his arms out of frustration.

"yeah yeah, whatever. anyways, I kinda wanna hangout with atsumu and osamu again." y/n stated while staring off into the distance.

"what? are you serious? this is supposed to be you and me time. not you, me, atsumu and osamu time." suna said, a little angry.

"woah there. didn't mean to make you offended." y/n said as she snapped out of her trance, turning to suna and putting her hands up in defense.

"well you obviously fucking did. way to ruin the mood." suna said, sounding angry.

"I'm sorry." y/n hung her head low.

"yeah you should be. for fucks sakes. literally read the fucking room at this point. remember that little comment you made earlier? about why people would date me? well guess fucking what. that shit hurt my feelings. I guess you're too fucking oblivious to see that though." suna yelled at the girl.

y/n abruptly stood up and walked closer to suna.

"did you not hear me? are you deaf? I fucking said I was sorry." y/n responded, clearly upset.

"sorry isn't gonna cut it. you're being way too fucking selfish right now. this is supposed to be our time. not you and someone else's time. get that through your thick skull. put yourself in my shoes. imagine how I feel right at this moment. bet you can't do that because you're too fucking busy worrying about yourself. that's so pathetic. I can't believe you.".

as soon as suna said that, y/n's jaw dropped. she slowly backed away until the backs of her knees hit the couch, forcing her to sit down.

tears started streaming down her face as she placed a hand over her mouth, clearly shocked.

she let out choked sobs as she started fanning her face; trying to stop crying.

obviously, it wasn't working.

"why the fuck are you crying?" suna asked. "you have fucking nothing to cry about. you aren't the victim, so stop acting like it."

y/n's heart shattered. why was suna being like this? she didn't think what she said would make suna give her this type of reaction.

it all reminded her of her past. her dad. the way he used to verbally abuse her until she broke.


"you can't do anything right."

"just stop. you're fucking worthless."

"you're nothing but a useless piece of shit."

"get the fuck out of my house. you don't belong here."

"I can't believe I raised such a disappointment."

"you fucking disgrace."

"you've done nothing but cause me stress. leave. right now."

"why can't you be more like [redacted]'s daughter? she's doing so well for herself. unlike you."

"you have no friends for a reason."


"y-you're acting a lot like m-my dad..." y/n said through more choked sobs

"you know what? I'm okay with that. at least he knew how to stand up to your stubborn ass." suna scoffed and looked away.


"okay fine. you want me out of your house that bad? i'll leave. don't fucking worry about me." y/n gave suna a sarcastic smile through her tears and made her way to the door.


she picked up the little things she had brought with her, opened the door, then walked out.


sorry not sorry.

any guesses as to who was calling her name?

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