𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤!! 🫶🫰

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10:30 am

Y/n slowly sat up from the bed, but was tugged back down by suna, who didn't want her to leave.

"No. Warm. Stay." Suna whined, grasping onto y/n for dear life, not letting her go.

"Jesus fuck suna, I need to pee," y/n continued. "Unless you want me peeing on you?"

Suna immediately let y/n go, making her start laughing as she got up from the bed. "At least you don't have a piss kink."

"I can guarantee that I don't have one. I genuinely hate people who do. They're so gross." Suna gagged at the thought.

"Ayo no kink shaming in my lobby," y/n said, slightly punching suna's shoulder.

"Kink shaming is my kink." Suna stated, also getting up from the bed, picking up y/n then throwing her back onto it.

"Suna! I have to pee!" Y/n giggled, trying to get up again, to which she failed because suna was holding her down.

Suna pouted a bit and reluctantly let go of y/n, the girl taking the opportunity to bolt to the washroom.

Suna say back down on his bed and waited for y/n to finish up in the washroom.

After y/n came back, suna immediately yanked y/n back onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her; holding her in a tight hug.

"Dude are you okay? You've been extra clingy since last night..." y/n stated, trying to escape suna's grasp.

"I'm not even gonna lie right now, but I'm the way I am currently because I'm scared you're gonna replace me." Suna said as he loosened his grip around the girl.

Y/n took the chance to escape again, but stood in front of suna. "Excuse me? You really think I'm gonna replace my one and only suna rin?"

"Man I don't know... that's why I'm scared. Anything can happen.." suna sat up on the bed and shrugged.

Y/n sighed, then giggled and booped suna's nose. "You're silly. I'd never replace you babes. You know too much about me."

"Is that the only reason you wouldn't replace me?" Suna asked, worried. Y/n sat down on the bed beside suna and laughed again. "Stop being an idiot."

"Damn my bad shawty," suna raised his hands in Defense. "I'll stop being an idiot now, just for you."

"You better," y/n continued. "Anyways, what do you wanna do today?"

"Don't you have to go back today?" Suna curiously asked y/n. "Nah. I'm going back tomorrow." Y/n shrugged.

"But don't you have school tomorrow?" Suna asked again, to which y/n nodded.

"So you're just gonna skip an entire day," the male stated, and y/n nodded again.

"Man you can't be doing that. It isn't good for you or your future." Suna stated again.

"Chill man, it's one day. Plus, my grades are great, so I can just catch up." Y/n let her back fall onto the bed.

"Yeah yeah whatever," the male continued. "How about we go skateboarding?"

"Yo that's the best idea ever." Y/n stated, jumping up from the bed and standing on her feet. "Got a spare board?"

Suna laughed and stood up with y/n. "Yeah of course I do. Gotta keep the spares just in case, if you know what I mean."

"Of course. Now let me just put some actual clothes on, then we can head to the nearest skatepark." Y/n said as she started grabbing some of suna's clothes to wear.

"Bet. I'll wait for you downstairs." Suna said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Y/n quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to where suna was sitting. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Of course."

Timeskip to the skatepark

"Alright so we're here." Suna said, walking to a ramp with his board in hand.

Y/n took a moment to take in the scenery around her, finding it quite fascinating for some odd reason. It isn't like she hasn't seen a skatepark before. It's just something about this place that's oddly calming.

"You comin'?" Suna yelled from atop of a ramp, waiting for y/n to come and join him.

Y/n snapped out of her daze and immediately yelled back while running towards the ramp suna was currently on. "Yeah yeah I'm coming."

"Good, now I bet you I'm better at skateboarding." Suna said confidently.

"You sure about that pretty boy?" Y/n asked with a snarky smirk on her face.

"Positive." He replied back. Y/n let out a sarcastic giggle and said "alright, might as well test it."

"Oh you're on." Suna said.

"Try me." Y/n winked at Suna and began riding down the ramp.

Not proof read. We die like men.

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