Chapter Eight

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Joy flutters her eyelids open softly, as she feels the bed move. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark room, she scanned her surroundings. The room was dark, unfamiliar, but she felt cold. She looked down, and she wasn't wearing any clothes. She pulled the duvet cover over her skin, and internally complimented whatever fabric his sheets were made of; they were softer than a baby bunny's fur.

Continuing her scanning, she finally spotted the person who owned this dark room. Dylan laid stomach down on the bed, using his arm as a pillow. She smiled once she saw his tousled hair, and scratch marks down his tan back. She suddenly remembered the contents of last night's date. It ended very, very well.

She removed the blanket, and attempted to get out of bed. Her bare feet touched the cherry wood floor, and a shiver went down her body. Dylan had a very well accustomed heating system, she was confused as to why it wasn't working in this room.

As she stood, she was knocked back onto the bed. Strong arms pulled her back into the warm bedding, and into the side of the handsome man she had slept with the night previous.

"Dylan, it's cold in here." Joy complained, pulling the duvet cover back over her. It wasn't just that she was cold, she had also lost the confidence she had the night before when they were bare naked together.

Dylan smirked with his eyes still closed, "I'll keep you warm." his hand rubbed against her skin. She could feel her heart spread warmth throughout her entire body.

The night before had been every woman's sexual dream. He knew where everything was located, and knew how to satisfy her from head to toe. As much as she hated to admit it, he had clearly had practice at this type of exercise. Every nerve, cell, and atom in her melded to Dylan. From her mouth to her legs to her breasts, anything he wanted to do to her; she allowed.

Joy does not let men sleep with her on the first date. But this was a clear exception. They had been drinking all day and Dylan was at least three times as attractive as any other one of her sexual partners. He had this way of charming her, making her want to do anything he desired. She knew that wasn't her, but she didn't care. All she wanted last night was him.

"Dylan, we have to get up. Don't you have work today?" she wondered, trying to break from his grasp. She loved being close to him, but she did take the last three days off. His strong hold on her wasn't giving way and she seemed to be fighting for no reason.

Dylan opened his eyes and took her face in his hand, "I own the company. I can take off five years if I wanted to and nobody can stop me" he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

Joy thought this felt very... rushed. She didn't want to force a relationship with him just because they slept together. She did like him, but waking up in bed with him seemed very comfortable. She just wasn't ready.

He let go of his tight grasp for a second, and she slipped from under his arm. "I have work. I have to find money to eat, and live and stuff..." she said, while shoving her white dress back on her slim body. She searched around his bedroom, and her underwear was nowhere to be found.

"If you're looking for your panties they're gone." Dylan said, sitting up on his forearms. He had torn them to shreds, basically, the night before. His body peaked from underneath the blanket, and the man does have a nice chest. A nice chest with stunning tattoos drawn on them.

Joy nodded and put her hair up in the clip that was on his nightstand, "Just so you know I don't usually sleep with someone on the first date" she slipped on her socks and walked closer to the door, "I think I just drank too much."

Dylan stood, and revealed his bare body, he wore nothing but black Calvin Klein boxers, "Let me drive you home."

Joy thought for a second, and decided it was a better idea for him to drive her than to call an uber looking like that.

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