Chapter Three

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While Joy stood in her darkroom, she went over the things she needed to do today. The list wasn't long, however, the jobs she needed to complete were tedious at best. She needed to get her eyelashes done again since it had been two and a half weeks since her last appointment. As well as run down to her dry cleaners to pick up a few of the dresses she wore the week previous.

"Joy, is anyone here?" Bellamy's voice rang through the studio and into Joy's ears. She left the darkroom and emerged into the main studio.

"What's up?" Joy asked, walking over to her computer. She figured she could answer some emails while chatting with her friend. She had five unopened emails.

"I had work off today and wanted to come and see you. Oh, have you heard from Mia yet today?" Bellamy wondered, flipping through some of the magazines that laid on the glass coffee table.

"No, I haven't. I'm sure she's fine. Marcus wasn't much of a ditcher, right?"

"No, he wasn't. He was the type to make breakfast and cuddle all day long." Bellamy responded, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Why the tone?" Joy asked, responding to an anonymous client. He wanted to come in today, she obliged and said to come as soon as it was convenient.

"I don't know. I guess I'm not overly fond of the fact that she's dating my ex-boyfriend" Bellamy said, "It's not jealousy if that's what you're thinking"
That was what Joy was thinking. "Alright, then what's the problem? Did you want Mia to ask permission or something?"

"No. Ugh, I don't know. I'll figure it out." Bellamy replied, picking up a new magazine.

The two girls chatted while Joy responded to the last few emails. None were too important, so she wrapped up with that and walked back to her darkroom. Bellamy followed and stayed chatting as she worked.

The door knocked a few times, and Bellamy offered to get it; seeing as Joy was in the middle of dipping another piece.

Bellamy swung the dark oak door open, to see a familiar face; Dylan. They had met several times when she was dating Marcus; along with the fact that he was close friends with her brother; Duke.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Bellamy wondered, keeping a hand on the door and leaning against it.

"I'm here to purchase some artwork from Miss Archer. I have an appointment. What are you doing here?" Dylan asked, pushing himself through the door and taking a seat on the brown couch.

"I'm her best friend, I'm just here talking with her for lack of better things to do" Bellamy laughed slightly, "I'll go grab her"

She strolled into the darkroom and let her eyes adjust to the light, "You have a client sitting in the waiting room" She didn't say his name, she didn't want him to get some sort of discount for knowing her. She didn't like him that much.

Without saying goodbye she slipped out of the studio.

Joy left her station and wiped her hands on a nearby towel. She brushed her hands along the front of her jeans and walked into the studio.

"What are you doing here?" Joy rudely asked, "I thought I told you to get lost."

"You did. But I am solely here on business. I did make an appointment." Dylan flatly responded, standing up and straightening his black slacks and tightening his blazer.

"You're the anonymous client? You've got to be shitting me..." Joy rambled, rolling her eyes, "I have the right to refuse service you know." She walked to the other side of the studio, avoiding his eyes.

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