Chapter Six

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"Alright I'm here!" Bellamy called as she unlocked the front door with her own key. She slid her shoes off, and swiftly walked to Mia's room. There she found Mia sitting on her bed, crisscrossing and waiting for her.

"What's going on?" Bellamy wondered, skeptically. She sat criss cross across from Mia, and waited for her to say something. She stayed still, and didn't move until Bellamy spoke again.

"You can tell me anything, you know that..."

Mia put her head in her hands, and ran her fingers across her face. "I'm pregnant."

Bellamy's jaw dropped, "But what about the test in-"

"False positive." She said; monotone.

Bellamy reached out and wrapped both arms around her friend, "It's gonna be okay." Her soft hands ran up and down Mia's smooth arm while Mia started into space. She was significantly less stressed after her phone call with Cheyenna, but not all the fear went away.

"What am I gonna do?" Mia wondered, "I hate him, Bellamy. I never want to see him again."

Bellamy removed her arm and faced Mia, "Are you going to keep them?"

Mia sighed, "Yes."

"Then you have to tell him" She said apologetically, "I'll go with you, if you want"

"No, I have to do this alone. When should I go?" Mia wondered, she stood up and walked to the mirror. Her hands rubbed her stomach where her baby is growing, "What if he gets mad at me?"

Bellamy stood and joined her side, "He's not like that. Just be frank with him, he'll understand."

"I'm gonna go now," Mia said, her head hung low.

Bellamy followed her to the living room as she collected some of her things, "Okay. I'll be here when you come back."

Jack Stewart and Theo James walk into Jack's dainty apartment, and take their seats beside each other on the couch. "So, what were you thinking of doing to Dylan?"

Theo thought for a moment, "Do you know that disgusting small girl he always has with him?"

Jack perked up, "Yeah yeah, Joy. My cousin is best friends with her. They're seeing each other or something." He was very happy that he actually had something to contribute to the conversation.

"Well, from what I've observed she isn't overly fond of him. But I can clearly tell that he's obsessed with her. She is something that he is pining over, and from their body language he hasn't secured her yet."

Jack looked over his shoulder to his bedroom, "I actually had an idea a couple of hours ago. I think you should talk to someone that could help us"

Theo didn't like seeking for additional help, he was fine doing this all on his own, "Who?"

"COME OUT" Jack yelled instead of answering the question. Each of their heads spun toward the back bedroom. The measly Jeremy Michael walked into the main room, one foot in front of the other. His small frame appeared in the light as Jack introduced him.

"Jack. You do realize I worked in Dylan's building. I know who this is." Theo rolled his eyes and ushered for Jeremy to sit beside them. "What was your idea, Jack?"

As Jeremy sat beside Jack, he began to explain, "I was watching a TV show, and had an idea. What if we had him bug his office. That way we could hear everything they were saying. Where he's going. What he's doing, all of it! It's genius!"

Theo began to consider it. It wasn't the worst idea. "What's your price?" Theo wondered, he wasn't going to pay six figures for something that wasn't essential.

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