Chapter 31

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Isabelle grabs Stefan's diary from his bookshelf and looks at what year it was written. "I can probably name about million different places I would rather be, and yet we are here?"

Stefan had texted Rebekah this morning, requesting that they could meet up and discuss their plan. And being the amazing girlfriend that she is, she made Isabelle come with her. 

Rebekah walks over to Isabelle and grabs the diary from her hand, "Yep, and we're going to be here for a while so get comfy." She places a quick kiss on the brunette's cheek before turning around and walking over to Stefan's bed.

Isabelle sticks her tongue out in response and sits down on the floor. The blonde rolls her eyes at the girl's reaction and reads through Stefan's private thoughts.

The vampire in question walks into the room and quickly notices the two women in his room, "You two do know that knocking is still a thing, right?" 

"Apparently, so is writing in a diary. What are you, 12?" Isabelle teases while resting her arms behind her head and leaning back against the bookshelf.

Rebekah laughs slightly at Isabelle's questions and continues to read through the diary, "I'm just checking for doubts, you can never be too cautious when it comes to love."

Stefan pulls a shirt over his head and walks over to his small stash of alcohol, "Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her." Isabelle inwardly scoffs, thinking that Stefan could never be really done with Elena.

"Does that apply after we find the cure too?" Rebekah questions the vampire, who proceeds to ignore the original's interrogation. "Hello, I'm talking to you."

"I know, and I'm ignoring you." Isabelle snickers at his statement but quickly covers it with a cough when Rebekah glares at her. 

Rebekah shakes her head at the brunette and stands up from the bed. "Look we are at a pretty big disadvantage in this race for the cure, Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter and Team Shane has Bonnie."

"If here to re-inform me of our last place status, I'm very well aware." Stefan takes another sip of his drink. He walks over to the bed and picks his diary up.

Rebekah rolls her eyes at the boy's dramatics, "That's why I have an idea. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy that my brother Kol is so afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence, that he gave away that he has on of the keys to resurrecting him. His headstone."

Stands up from her on the floor and grabs her jacket from the table, "I see. You wanna steal it." Stefan realizes.

Rebekah smiles like a proud mother and pats Stefan on the shoulder, "Exactly, then team Shane will have to join Team Rebekah, and Team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs."

"Now that is something I would pay to see," Isabelle says with a smirk, the hybrid still resentful toward Klaus.

With the fact that he murdered the woman who raised her, you could say that being angry was an understatement. 

Isabelle pulls her phone out when she feels it vibrate in her back pocket and looks to see a text message from Kol.

She looks up from her phone to see Rebekah and Stefan both staring at her. "I'm gonna go, important matters to attend to." She tells the two and grabs her jacket off the table.

The hybrid places a quick kiss on Rebekah's forehead before making her way out of the room, "See you later Stefano!"

The two vampires wait to hear the front door slam shut before continuing with their conversation.

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