Our Royals

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Y/n's POV

I was walking around the halls of the castle, my crown going a little lopsided because of the uneven bottoms of my boots. I had accidentally broken off the small heel on my right boot because I tripped over a stone in the garden, putting all my weight on it and hearing it snap moments later. Even with my wonky walking, I still held my head high because I wanted to present myself as not being bothered. Though I will be throwing these boots out my window in my bedroom the second I enter it.

I grumbled under my breath as I continued down the hallway, arriving at the staircase that led to my chamber. I smiled politely though whenever I saw any of my servants on my way there. They always do so much for the people I love and I, so I respect them so much. That's a drastic change from how my parents used to treat them.

Back when I was younger, my parents were the worst of the worst people. They always talked and treated the servants and workers like trash and I always had to apologize to the people when my parents went away. I never looked up to my parents at all because how could I? You should never praise or worship those kinds of people, yet here those two were running a kingdom.

One thing that they could do so well was put on an act when they went into the village where all the citizens were. Mother and father had bright smiles on their faces and always made efforts to help the people who were peasants. Except they just had those 'peasants' be royal guards they mixed into the crowd in disguise so they actually never gave anything to the people. So while all the people of the kingdom thought that they were some wonderful rulers, they were just faking it. All of it.

And my lord did those two not know how to raise me. I honestly was barely around them a majority of the time because they had their maid, Irene, look after me and practically raise me. She is like my real mother in my eyes and I'm glad she taught me her outlook on life because it is so much better than my parent's view. Irene told me to treat people with kindness and to never think of myself as better than anyone else, even though I'm of royal blood.

When I was younger and my parents were doing who knows what (not caring where I was), Irene would take me into the village so I could play with the kids of her friend's families for social interaction. Their names are Lia, Winter, Ryujin, Yuna, and Ningning. And even though I met them years ago, back when I was around 6 and I'm now 21, I still hangout with them regularly. I never saw myself as 'better' or worthy of better treatment than them. They are human and so am I.

The thing that sent me over the edge about my parents was when they tried to get me into an arranged marriage back when I was 18. First of all, I wasn't looking for anything at all back then. Second of all, why the fuck were they even wanting an arranged marriage. And third of all, it was with a man. Now their little incapable heads didn't know that I wasn't attracted to men in that way, even though my facial expressions and body language easily gave it away. When I obviously refused to get married to some damn man, they went ballistic. Needless to say I knew the walls of the dungeon very well for a couple of months. No one knew where I was the whole time because my dearest parents said that I was on a trip to one of the kingdoms outside of The Great Valley to form an alliance.

The biggest lie of the time I think.

But I ended up getting the last laugh when I decided to kill the both of them by poisoning them.

I killed them two years ago just when I was 19, only a month after I 'returned from my journey'. I had bought the poison and put it in their wine before dinner, killing the both of them in their sleep. Of course I acted sad at the giant funeral that was held, but I didn't give a single crap. I just saved who were now all my people's lives because I was going to help them actually, something my damn parents never did. I got appointed to be the ruler of the kingdom a week after the funeral and I was the sole ruler, no partner by my side.

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