🍼 - Cerebral palsy

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A/N: (Cerebral palsy is a condition of movement disorders.) this is my experience with cerebral palsy! Everyone can have different experiences!
Promt: learning to do stuff with a condition can be hard.
Little: Sapnap
Cg's: Dream

Pronoun cheak
Author: they/them
Dream: he/they
Sapnap: he/him

Body imagery (I think that's what it's called, sorry if I'm wrong, but just not feeling good about your body and comparing it to others)



Having Cerebral palsy can be hard. Not being able to to do stuff, having trouble. Fucking hell, I can't even tie my shoes! I'm super sensitive and I hate it all. But Dream's there for me so it's a little better.



Sapnap woke up to find a filmier fuzziness in his brain. He told himself not to slip into his headspace as he went down stairs. "Hey Dream." Sapnap said getting a bowl and filling it with cereal THEN milk.

"Morning." Dream replied. Sapnap took his cereal and went back up to his room. He looked in his mirror. He hated, loathed his body.

If the universe is going to give him cerebral palsy why can't he just have it on both sides, not just his left side. Cerebral palsy made his body shorter.

So on the right side, where his condition doesn't affect him. He's 5'9 but on his left side, he's 5'8, one arm is longer than the other, one hand is fully grown while the other is still growing.

Is boyfriend, his roommate, his dream. Always praises him about his body, but he just doesn't believe that. How can he, when Sapnap looks like this?

Dream's body was perfect. Hourglass body, his skin golden, perfect. Hands that are perfect to wrap your hand around. His-

Sapnap's thoughts got cut of by Dream opening the door. "Love again? Your so beautiful. How can you hate your body?" Dream asked. "Because I am 2 different heights! How can you love my body?!" Sapnap replied.

"Because no matter the heights, you're body looks beautiful baby boy." Dream knew the right buttons to push. "Dream stwop your going to make me swip." Sapnap said squeezing his hand saying non verbally, 'don't stop' Sapnap said if he doesn't want to slip, unless if he squeezes Dream's hand and/or overworking himself, don't make him slip.

"My baby...want milky?" Dream asked picking Sapnap up. "P-pews." Sapnap tried pronouncing. When he's in little space, all his knowledge of how to overcome his CP leaves his brain. That's why he can't pronounce things that are easy to pronounce. That's why Dream picks him up, even if he's 4 in his brain, he doesn't know how to walk.

"So close baby! 'Please'! But amazing job! I am so proud of you!" Dream praises. "Pwease." Sapnap tried again. "Good job baby! Such a god job!" Dream praises again. "How old are you darling?" Dream asks. "F-fuwr." Sapnap tries. "Four? Ok."

They went to the kitchen and Dream made is sippy cup. It usually takes like 20-30 minutes to help Sapnap drink, but he doesn't mind. After Sapnap is done, they play for a bit.

"Da." Sapnap said. "Yes bunny?" Dream asked, moving towards him more. "Can mowe blowe." Sapnap said. "Here hun." Dream grabbed Sapnap's left hand softly.

"Tell me if it hurts ok?" Dream asked. Sapnap nodded. Dream slowly opened Sapnap's hand. "Huwts." Sapnap said.

"That's ok hun! Grab it with your right hand ok?" Sapnap nodded. Sapnap eyes started to get heavier. "T-tred.." Sapnap said. "Tired? Ok hun." Dream picked him up.

"You can go to sleep baby..." Dream stated. "Swemp..." Sapnap said tiredly. He soon closed his eyes.


A/N: I swear to god if someone bully's me-

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