🍼 working is hard! 🍼

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Little: Karl
Caregivers: jimmy + Dream + Chris
Promt: Karl has been overworking himself with mr beasts videos

Pronoun check!:
Author: they/them
Jimmy: he/him
Karl: he/him
Dream: he/him/they


Karl had been over working himself for 1 week. Maybe even more. There was monster cans all around his room. He was so fuzzy. But he couldn't slip. He wanted to, but couldn't. He had to work. He couldn't take a break. He didn't want to upset Jimmy.

Dream had been getting more censored. He told Jimmy and Chris and they came over. They went into his room.

"Hey little one, can you stop working for a while?" Dream said.

"Dream 1. I got to work. 2. I am not little." Karl said trying not to baby his voice. "Bubs it's ok I won't be upset.... Just take a break.... For me?" Jimmy asked.

Chris hugged Karl. Karl slipped and started sobbing. "Hey hey, it's ok..." Chris said comforting him. "Let's get ya in the bath ok...?" Dream said. Karl winned. "Hey cub how old are you?" Dream asked. Karl held up a zero. "Ok let's get ya in the bath." Dream said.

While Karl was in the bath and Dream watching him, Chris and jimmy picked up the trash in his room. And they all took a break and had fun.


Sorry for the short chapter :[

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