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I'm nervous about this week since I found out that my mom had something to do with the incident of last week and Ms. Abby might be mad at my momma and take it out on me.

So I'm just going to go into the studio with my head up and act like nothing happened last week.


"Come on on girls move it, move it, move it. Get in here." Ms. Abby said yelling while we run into studio 'A'.

"Well, congratulations. You won. Was it your best performance? Mm.. no." Ms. Abby says shaking her head. 

"Didn't we win by seven points?" Kelly asked. 

"I'm not going to deny the fact that you won. That's great. But I don't think it was your best performance. The routine had mistakes. Chloe, why would you go out on stage and not do the correct choreography? Everybody else had the choreography I gave them. That's beginning to be a pattern with you, isn't it, Chloe? You're lucky you're even back in this dance studio."

Even though we were supposed to 'improvise' Ms. Abby gave us some choreography so we don't look totally stupid up on stage. 

"On the bottom... Paige. You were good. I'm waiting for you to be great. DO you really use your face and get into every single one of those judges' hearts? No. You need to work on that. And next... Kendall. You didn't stick out to me. In your improv, it should have been, like 'Ooh, wow, look at that. Who's that?' I didn't do that. Next is Brooke.  Brooke, you are 14 years old. When are we going to see you stand out? As the leader, as the foreman on the job? As the role model?"

"Next Nia. You were this overall, that's good. And Mackenzie. Overall high score of the mine division. You did a great job. You went out there, and you won. Next Maddie. You were wonderful on stage you win all the time but that moment I put you up against Sabrina you fall and lose your spot on top. On top pf of the pyramid come back on top is Sabrina, Sabrina not only did you win in your age division but you were also the highest-scoring solo in the entire competition."  Ms. Abby said.


Maddie Mackenzie Nia

Brooke Kendall Paige

I can tell Maddie wasn't happy with what Ms. Abby said and I feel her pain because I was in her passion last year and it sucks. Maddie is holding my hand and I know she is happy for me. Hopefully.

"Now, Chloe, did you notice that you're not on the pyramid?  You're not on it. You're lucky to be here as it is. You can't get out on stage and do what you want." Ms. Abby says.  Chloe looks so sad, I wish can just hug her to Ms. Abby can be a little nicer about it. Like we won what's the big deal.

"This weekend, we will be traveling to Bernardsville, New Jersey. So, you're going to get kids with amazing technique and killer costumes. They're going to be strong competitors. Everyone will be in the group dance, except  Mackenzie and Sabrina." Ms. Abby said. 

I'm confused is this because of what my mom did last week?

"Sabrina come over here." Ms. Abby says.

"Speaking of tuff competitors I will also be taking my international team and Sabrina will be facing them this week, and you guys will be going head to head with them. And Harry will be choreographing it." Ms. Abby says smiling. 

Christi interview

Our girls have no chance of winning this week, the international team has girls and boys from all over the world of different ages, and they travel all over the world,d and the fact Harry is going to be choreographing it, we are losing. Abby is setting our kids up to fail once again.

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