The upside down {Last part}

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Everyone was gone and Lucas now knew Y/ns secret the only secret that she kept from him.

3rd person pov

No one seemed to be in the school anymore. No one was there besides the party. The kids. Everyone was gone and Lucas now knew Y/ns secret the only secret that she kept from him.

Y/ns pov

I rolled my sleve up to show the tatoo and all Lucas did was look at it then look at me not saying a word. Mike had gotten up earlier to go find Nancy and Jonathan. "They're gone." Mike said as his voice echoing threw the gym. I quckly rolled down my sleve and sat up. "What?" Lucas asked. "Nancy and Jonathan. His car is gone." "They're probably sucking faces somewhere." Dustin said "No. No way!" Mike shot back. "Gross." Lucas said and I laughed and so did he. "Did they go with the cheif?" Dustin said being reasnable. "I dont know" Mike shrugged. "No." El said. "What? Do you see them? Do you know where they went?" "Yes." "Where? Where did they go?" "Demogorgon."

"Guys, guys!" Mike said "This is crazy. We cant just wait around."

"Mike incase you forgot were still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us." Lucas said trying to talk some sense into him. "Yeah, and we dont even know where your sister is." Dustin added. "El can find them." "Mike look at her!" Dustin said ponting at El. "We should stick to the cheifs plan. Stay here keep El out of sight and keep her safe as long as with us safe and Nancy is with Jonathan and shes a badass so she can handle her self." I said as Dustin was sightly cheering me on in the conner and Lucas smiling. Dustin got up to leave and Mike stopped him. "Where are you going? I thought you said stick to the plan!" Mike called after him. "I am. Im just gonna go get some choclate pudding. Im telling you Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit!" Dustin awsered "Are you serious?" "El needs to be recharged!"

"Wanna go follow that idiot?" Lucas turned and asked me "Sure why not." I awnsered laughing as I took Lucas's hand. As we were walking through the cafeteria Lucas turned towrds me. "So when were you going to tell me about that." He said while pointing at the tatoo. "Well I dont know but I thought if I did it today maybe I would feel better about keeping it from you." I awnsered. "Why did you think you had to hide it from me?" "I saw the way you reacted twords El and her powers so I guess I thought you wouldnt like me anymore if you knew." Lucas laughed "I would never stop liking you just because you a super hero. So I have a question. Can you make things float like El or do you have another power?" "I can do things like El and I can read minds but only if im touching them." We kept talking then Dustin came in. "I see you finally told him." He said "Wait your telling me that he knew before me? Wow im hurt." Lucas said as he dramticly grabbed his heart. "I only knew before you because i watched her brake troys arm." Dustin said. "You did what know?" Lucas asked i just laughed.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike said running in the caefteria "What is it?" I asked. "They found us." Mike said cheaching his breath as everyone started at eachother and ran out.

We quickly grabbed our stuff and started running trying to find a escape. "How did they find us?" Lucas asked while grabbing my hand. "I dont know, but they knew we were in the gym." Mike said. "Lando." Dustin added as we came opon a exit. "Got em." One of the agents said while busting down the door with more agents following them. We all started to run down the hallway soon we were trapped. I looked at El and told her that we had to work together and she nodded grabbing my hand "Y/n what are you doing?" Lucas asked me soon the people infront of us dropped and me and El landed on the ground. I could hear what was going on I just counldnt do anything about it. "Demogorgon." Dustin said and I woke up. I saw Brenner. I was the boys being held. Then something happend and Lucas rushed me up and we ran to a empty classroom I was still weak i couldnt use my powers.

"Are you ok?" "Holy shit i didnt know you had powers." "Mike shut up" "Y/n are you ok?" I tried to awnser but then the Demogorngon came in and I tried to help but i couldnt Lucas was trying to defeat it with rocks. Like that would stop that thing. then El got up "El no stop." I whispered "Keep them back." She said i nodded I knew I had to. The Demogorgon flew back and landed on the black board. "Goodbye Mike." El said and nodded to me witch i did in return and used the little of my power that i could to keep them back till she was gone. "El? El? El where are you?" Mike said everyone started calling out for El. "Why did you keep us back?" Mike said getting angry. "She told me to I had to Mike for all of your protection."  I said with a attuide i knew he would hate me for this but right now I didnt care I knew she was safe.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all sat in the hosptial waiting area for Will to wake up. Lucas and Dustin were sleeping. Mike and me were up. "Hey I know your mad at me for keeping you back but I had to I didnt want you guys to get hurt but trust me shes safe i promise." I said not making eye contact. Mike didnt say anything he just hugged me. Soon we were all in the room with Will. I zoned out. "Oh and Y/n has them to. Right Y/n?" Mike said bringing me back to reality. "I have what?" "Powers." "Oh yea watch." I said as i looked over to the chair and lifted it up. "Wow see I always knew why you were my favorit." Will said with a smile "Thanks oh and I have to talk to you later about something." I said only i knew Will liked Mike so me and him were close we would talk like girls do at sleepovers about boys.

One month later (SPongbob voice)

We all sat around playing D&D Will own and then we all had to leave well not me I didnt because Steve was there but i was spending the night at Lucas's house so i did have to leave. "Bye guys. Bye Y/n." Will said with a smile. "Bye WIll" We all said at the same time then I zoned out waiting on Lucas. "Ok ready Y/n?" He asked. "Yeah." I said "Bye Mike." I said giving him a hug. "Remeber shes safe stop worrying." I said so only he could hear. "What was that about." Lucas asked "Nothing at all."

1222 words

Athours note:
Sorry this was kinda rushed Its like 7 am and i havent slept i wanted to finsh this. Ok so the 2nd book is called Love so It will be on my profile rember it will be about a week or 2 before the book gets it real first chapter so just letting you know bye loves hoped you liked it.

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