The werido on mapple street {Part 2}

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"I felt jealous anytime she spoke higly of one of the boys"

Y/n pov

The next morning i woke up to my brother yelling "Steve shut up why are you yelling." I said as I walked down staires to see my mom and dad. "Why are you guys here for what reason are you here?" Steve asked "Becuase we care for you guys!" My mom said "If you guys cared like at all you would be here more" I said i didnt like my parents as much as i should i guess but how could i they were never there so there was no way for me to get close with them for me to like them. "Its" My mom started "It's what mom? Business its always fucking business!" I yelled not even caring and ran up to my room.

Lucas do you copy?
Yea whats up?
do you think you could wait at my house for me today?
Yea sure everything ok?
Ill explain later over and out
I got changed and got my stuff while mom dad and steve where still fighting "Bye Steve." I said "Have a good day at school be safe ok and if your going to hang out with your party call me ok?" Steve said as mom and dad watched "Ok I think we might be going to mikes but i'm not sure so i'll call from over there if we do bye." I said "Bye." Steve said and I walked out to my bike and saw Lucas waiting "Whos car is that?" he said "Oh my mom and dads there back for some reason and steve and them are fighting right now." I said "Oh ok wait whats your brother doing." Lucas said "Hey Lucas make sure she gets to school ok?" steve said "Yes sir, I will." Lucas said and Steve went back inside.

When me and Lucas got to school we only saw Dustin "Hey do you know where Mike is he should be here by now?" I asked and Lucas just looked at me and i dont know why.

Lucas pov

When me and y/n got to school we only saw Dustin and y/n asked "Hey do you know where Mike is he should be here by now?" and I just looked at her I mean surly I didnt like her but I did but I did I felt jealous anytime she talked highly of one of the boys "Hey lucas are you ok?" she asked "Oh yea I am dont worry about it." I said but she looked at me like she was going to worry about it anyway.

Y/n pov

We got to class and we sat down I sat between Lucas and Dustin and behind Mike and Will "Oh this is weird." I heard Dustin say "Im telling you his plan didnt work." Lucas said "I thought you liked his plan." Dustin said "Yeah but obviously it was stupid or he would be here."Lucas agrued back and I ended up zoneing out not paying attioniton untill "What if she slept naked?" Dustin asked "OH my god she didnt!" I said back "Yea she didnt." Lucas said defending me "All that matters is that after school the freak will be back in the loony bin and we can focus on." Lucas said before i cut him off "What matters and thats finding Will." I said "yea." Lucas said he sounded hurt but why.

After school was done we biked over to Mikes. "Hi Mrs.wheeler is it ok if we come in?" Dustin said "Yes it is and Y/n do you want to use the phone to call your brother?" Mrs.Wheeler asked "Yes ma'am. " I said and I talked to my brother while Dustin and Lucas waited on me "Yes ill be safe." I said while rolling my eye "Steve im fine ill be safe yes im sure bye go hangout with your friends of ask Nancy if she wants to hangout or something" I said finally getting of the phone "Sorry hes just over protective." I said and they just laughed as all of us walked upstaires as we got up to Mikes room the boys started to fight "She knows about will" Mike said and i turned my head "How?"

"What do you mean she knows about will?" Dustin asked after me then they started to talk more and more about how they were sure and stuff I zoned out again not wanting to pay attionion "Y/n will you please pay attionion!!" Mike yelled at me "Hey dont yell at her she was not doing anything too you shes just tired of." Lucas said not sure what he was going to say not wanting to tell them about what happened this moring "Of?" Miked asked "Of us fighting!" Lucas said i mean he wasnt totaly wrong. "Wait Mike what kind of danger?" Dustin asked. "Danger, danger." Mike said as he put a fake gun to his head. "We're going back to plan A we are telling your mom!" Lucas said as he tried to open the door and it shut again but he tried to open and the same thing happened just this time it locked "No" El said.

After a while we got called down for dinner and no one was eating besides the Wheelers (Not mike but all the other Wheelers) "Is there something wrong with the meatloaf?" Karen asked "No theres nothing wrong with it's were just not hungery." I said seeming reasnable and Dustin and Lucas had said something about blongna sandwitches and Nancy started talking about a assembly "Y/n will your brother be there?" Karen asked "Yes he will he said he would take me aswell if i wasnt tired when i get home" I said backing up nancy "Ok well why dont you take the boys with you?" Karen said "NO" The boys said in unison as i saw El "Why not shouldnt you be there for Will?" No one awsnered till I coughed and looked at the boys then dustin hit the table making El run down staires "Sorry spasm!" and I slightly nodded at him as he looked relived glad the girl didnt get caught.

1046 words.

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