Bose vs Miles

459 2 14

Request from @Anessa553. Enjoy! I hope you enjoy! I hope you like it! I hope you love it!

Up at the Man's Nest

Miles walks up to Chapa.

Miles:(Flirtatiously)"Chapa m'lady!"

Chapa:(Annoyed)"I am not your lady."

Miles:"Anyway...Wanna go on a date with me?"

Chapa:"Uh...(in her head:'Miles is cool but I don't like him that way. I like someone else. Bose. But I don't want to hurt Miles's feelings)...Okay."

Miles:"Yes! Points for Miles!"

Chapa giggles.

Miles grabs Chapa's hand and they leave.

Bose just watched the whole thing. He is fuming with jealousy.

Bose:(Jealous)"I'm gonna go follow them."

Bose starts to leave but Ray stops him.

Ray:"You're going to spy on them?"

Bose:"Not spying! Spyvestigating!"

Bose leaves.

Chapa and Miles are at Hip Hop Puree drinking puree and talking and laughing. Meanwhile Bose is outside hiding in the bushes wearing a tree hat through disguise and spying through high powered binoculars and is has a book titled 'The art of lip reading' and has some frittle chips with him. He eats a frittle chip. Through the binoculars, Miles whispers something into Chapa's ear and Chapa laughs.

Bose:(Jealous)"Ugh! Miles just whispered something into Chapa's ear and she laughed!"

Through the binoculars, Chapa and Miles's elbows are touching.

Bose:(Jealous)"Oh! Great! Now their elbows are touching! What do they think this is?! Their honeymoon?!"

Through the binoculars, Miles kissed Chapa on the cheek. This was the last straw for Bose.

Bose:(Jealous)"OH. NO. HE. DIDN'T! How DARE he put his dirty filthy lips on MY WOMAN'S cheek?! Oh that kid is NOT seeing tomorrow morning when I'm done with him!"

After the date is over Bose heads home.

The next day.

Up at the Man's Nest

Bose walks up to Chapa.

Bose:"Hey Chapa wanna go on a date with me?"


Bose and Chapa go to Hip Hop Puree. They share a puree with two straws. Next Bose takes Chapa to the movies. They share popcorn and feed each other popcorn. Next Bose and Chapa go to the carnival. Bose wins Chapa a stuffed goat. Chapa is delighted. She loves goats. They're her favorite barnyard animal. Bose wins Chapa a big fluffy teddy bear. As the date goes on, Bose gives Chapa a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and fine jewelry. At night Bose escorts Chapa to her house. 

Chapa:"Bose, thank you but you didn't have to give me all this."

Bose:"I insist. You're the most amazing girl in the whole world Chapa.

Chapa blushes.



Chapa:"Well this is a date I will NEVER forget. I'm surprised at what you did. Why did you do this for me?"

Bose:"Because...I...I...I...l-l-l-like y-y-you C-Chapa."

Chapa:"You do?"

Bose bashfully scratches the back of his neck while he blushes.

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