Chapter 35

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Alexander Is An Idiot

Burr's POV

I marched into Alexander's room with my two friends. I stood with my hands on my hips. I've always been a little mad at Alexander for promoting Jefferson and not me.

"Hey Hammy. Guess what?! We have the check stubs from separate accounts," Jefferson announced as he waved slips of paper in the air.

"Almost a hundred dollars paid in different amounts to a Mr. James Reynolds way back a couple days," James continued.

"Is that what you have? Are you done?" Hamilton asked as he rolled his eyes.

"You are uniquely situated by virtue of your position," I jutted in.

"Though virtue is not a word I'd describe this situation," Jefferson set the papers down on Alexander 's bed. He shuffled through them.

"To seek financial gain and stray from your sacred mission," Madison said.

"And the evidence suggests you engaged in speculation," Jefferson squealed. He was too happy about this.

"An immigrant embezzling our schooling funds. I can almost see the headline: your career is done! I hope you saved some money for your friends at school. You best gon want to run back where ya come from," We exclaimed.

"Ha. You don't even know what you're asking me to confess," Alexander answered.

"Confess," We pressed.

"You have nothing, I don't have to tell you anything at all. Unless..."

"Unless?" We asked.

"If I can prove that I never broke the rules, do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?" Alexander glanced over his shoulder.

"No one else was in the room where it happened," I tried.

"Is that a yes?"


He told us about what happened between him and Maria. This is amazing. I will end his career! Finally my taste for revenge will be satisfied.

Alexander's POV

They left after I told them everything. I think I was wrong to tell Jefferson, Madison, and Burr about Maria. Augh. Now I have to do something. But what?

Time skip

It was the next school wide assembly. I took a deep breath. Am I about to do this? I reorganized my papers. I hope I have enough for the whole school.

I stepped up onto the stage. I smiled at the school. Eliza had come back from her Athens trip. She and John were both clapping for me. My smile melted. They're going to hate me. It's too late now.

I passed around the paper to the entire school. I made more than enough copies. I heard gasps and cries.

"Alex! No!" A little sixth grader shouted. His name was Phillip. Eliza and I hung out with him sometimes. Phillip jumped up and ran out of the auditorium.

"The Reynolds Pamphlet. Have you read this?" Jefferson shouted. "Alexander Hamilton had a crazy affair. And he wrote it down right there!"

"Highlights!" People shrieked.

Maria stood up. Her red dress swished around her knees as she walked to the stage. She slapped me. Then she stomped off the stage and left.

I looked at Eliza. She looked like someone died. Peggy gave her a hug as she glared daggers at me. Angie was fuming. John was shell-shocked. His eyes looked empty. Hercules' mouth was hanging open. Laf was crying.

Principal George went on the stage and quieted the school down. He shooed me off the stage. What I just did was so stupid!

After the assembly was over, people surrounded me and bombarded me with questions.

"Why did you do it?"

"Can you ever recover from such a blow?"

"Well, he never gonna be president. Never gonna be president now."

I shoved through the crowd and sought out my friends. Nobody had moved from their seats.

"I'm sorry. I-" I started to say.

"No. Shut up," Angie yelled, "SHUT UP! Congratulations! So scared of what your enemies will do to you. You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to. You know why Jefferson can do what he wants? He never dignifies schoolyard taunts with a response! You've invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you can never undo kind of stupid. Eliza is the best thing in our lives. SO NEVER LOSE FACT THAT YOU'VE BEEN BLESSED WITH THE BEST GIRL. CONGRATULATIONS!" Angie pushed me and I almost fell. She stormed out of the auditorium.

"I saved every letter you wrote me," Eliza whispered, "From the moment I read them I knew you were mine. You said you were mine. I thought you were mine. You and your words flooded my senses," She dug in her backpack and pulled out letters. They were my letters. The ones that I wrote for her. She slowly ripped them apart, "The world has no right to my heart. You'll never speak to me again with only the memories of when you were mine. I hope that you...burn," Eliza got up and left. Peggy followed her. Hercules and Lafayette soon followed.

I was left with John. I tried to smile but it didn't work. John stared straight ahead at where I stood when I was speaking. He held a crumpled piece of paper in his hand. It was my pamphlet.

"How could you do this to me? How could you?" John murmured, "I thought you cared. I thought..."

"Why? I cheated on Eliza. It's not like I was dating you," I replied.

"BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU! BECAUSE... because I lo-" John exploded. He stood.

"John..." I said as he passed me.

I messed up. I messed up so bad. I need to fix this. I made Eliza mad, I made my friends mad, I made Peggy mad! Peggy is the hardest to make mad. Why did I do this again?

Sorry that it is so short! Also, sorry for the sadness. I know it's kind of cliché to do the Hamilton musical in a fanfic but whatever. 

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