Chapter 25

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Eliza's POV

"How am I going to do this?" I asked my younger sister.

"I'll do it then! Watch," Peggy said as she started to walk away.

"No!" I shrieked as I grabbed her sleeve, "Don't. I will."



I glanced over to Alexander. He was sitting there next to his friends. It was Friday lunch. Everyone was outside because it was 73 degrees. I bit my lip. How the heck will I accomplish this? I glanced back at Peggy. She gave me an encouraging nod.

I took a deep breath and made my way over to Alexander. My thoughts were whirling around in my brain. I forced them to be still like the eye of the hurricane.

"Hi!" Alexander said as I neared him.

"Uh, could I talk to you?" I asked.

"Sure," He got up and followed me a little bit away.

"Um, heh. Sorry, this is hard for me. You know that day in history when you first arrived?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I thought that you were super cute and...and..."

"Me too, Eliza."


"Me too. Um...would you like to go to Central Park after school?"

I was shocked. Why would he ask me out? Why me? I mean, I'm not complaining or anything. I nodded and Alex smiled. He had the nicest smile in the world. We worked out a time and I went back to Peggy.

"Well?" She wondered.

"I've got a date!" I squealed.

Peggy jumped up and down. She gave me a hug. I'm going on a date? I'm going on a date! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! The boy whom I liked since the first day he had arrived just asked me on a date. And, me, Eliza just confessed that I liked him. I never thought that I was that straight forward.

Angie was studying for a Spanish test, so she was in the middle of the field where we had sat down for lunch. I flounced over to where she was sitting and told her the story. She smiled although I could sense a sort of resentment. Whatever.

The important thing is that I'm going on a date with Alexander!

Angie's POV

"That's wonderful," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face, "I'm, uh, going to the bathroom."

I walked to the bathroom. I went into a stall and locked the door. I buried my face in my hands.

I'm happy for them, I guess. Lafayette is always saying "LAMS, JEGGY, OR HAMILZA? I CAN'T CHOOSE!" Why can't it be Hamgelica for once? I'm the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in New York City is insidious and Alexander is penniless. Heh. That doesn't mean I want him any less.

I remember the first time Alex came into class. I thought that maybe I would find love for once. I was mistaken and I am seriously regretting it.

I stood up. I wiped my tears and went outside of the bathroom. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm...fine.

John's POV

"That's wonderful," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face, "I'm, uh, going to the bathroom."

I slowly made my way inside the building. I should feel happy. I should. I frowned at the ground. It isn't fair. If Alex is dating Eliza maybe I could ask Peggy? I don't know.

I'm glad that Eliza is happy but... still. I sighed. I just want to fly away and leave everything behind. Except Alexander. I would take Alexander with me. Up above the clouds where Eliza could never reach us. Just us.

A door opened right in front of my face. I put my hands up to stop my nose from hitting it. I tumbled to the ground.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," I looked up and saw Angie.

She reached down and helped me up. Her eyes were a little red.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I...I'm fine," Angie hesitated.

"Can you keep a secret?"

Angie nodded. I hesitated and then began to talk.

"I like Alexander and... I'm not happy that he's going out with Eliza."

"Me too. I feel the exact same way."

I weakly smiled. At least someone else knows how I feel.

Alexander's POV

Eliza. I asked Eliza out. It feels...exciting yet...something else. I don't know. I went back over to my friends. We were sitting underneath a tree. John was lying on his back and looking up at the blue sky through the branches.

Hercules was lying on his back and Lafayette had his head on his stomach. It was very cute. Laf and Hercules are a super cute couple.

I heard a high pitched squeal. I whipped my head around. It was Peggy. I guess Eliza told her what happened. Lafayette sat up and frowned in Peggy's direction.

"What is up with mon amie?" Lafayette asked in his French accent.

"Haha. So, I asked Eliza out!" I grinned and waited for the reaction.

It was a delayed reaction. Three seconds later, John sat straight up.

"WHAT?" He shrieked.

"Heh. Yeah. She came up to me and said that she liked me and I invited her to go to Central Park after school," I told them.

"That is great, mon ami!" Lafayette beamed.

"Mpmmm. What?" Hercules grumbled and slowly sat up. I think he was asleep.

I told Herc what happened. He gave me a high five. John was being quiet and that was strange.

"That's wonderful," John said with a tight smile on his face, "I'm, uh, going to the bathroom."

He got up and slowly walked towards the building. I frowned. Did I offend him? Should I follow him? I started to get up but Lafayette grabbed my shirt. He shook his head and I sat back down.

I continued talking with my friends. A little while later, John came back. I smiled at him but he didn't see. My posture sank. No. This is about Eliza. It's not about John. I focused my gaze back to Lafayette and Hercules.

John sat down where he was before he got up. He laid back down and looked at the sky. I'll pretend that we are just friends. Pretend? Pretend?! No pretending. We are just friends. Definitely. 

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