Chapter 11

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Angie's POV

Today is Monday. The school dance is on Friday. We have a student council meeting everyday because the event is so close. I skipped to Room 41 after class was over. I was the first one there so I picked up a white board marker and started drawing on the board. When everybody else came, I erased what I drew. I sat down on the floor because why not?

Mr. Washington had a huge roll of paper and a handful of sharpies. He set these on a table off to the side. I wonder what we will use those for. I scooted back against the leg of a table so I could see the board properly.

"Alexander has laid out a floorplan for our dance. Take it away, son," Mr. Washington announced.

He held up a drawing. Half of the gm would not be used. It looked pretty simple. What else can we add to make it better. What decorations are we going to have? What if we had a balloon arch?! At my cousin's baby shower I wanted a pink balloon arch but my mom said no. The drawing looked like this:

"What decorations will we have?" John Adams asked

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"What decorations will we have?" John Adams asked.

"Could I be in charge of decorations!?" I exclaimed before Mr. Washington could answer John.

"Um...sure  Angie. You can use the money we raised from selling dance tickets," Mr. Washington told me.

I grinned. It's a Candy Land dance, so we need pastel colors. I think we still have some stuff left over from last year's winter dance I remember that we had a bunch of like, balloon vases. There were a bunch of plastic sticks on a base and you would put the balloon on it and it wouldn't lose air if you did it right. We need to find those and get them out.

Mr. Washington asked Thomas to pull out his computer. He also wanted Thomas to look up Candy Land characters. Mr. Washington plugged Thomas' computer into a cord so the computer screen was being projected onto the whiteboard. Mr. Washington then hung up the huge piece of paper on the board. He picked up a sharpie and began tracing a character. I joined him and we all started tracing. I traced two little gingerbread men. Since there was a lot of us, we finished before the bell rang and put it out in the hall. I set a bucket of markers next to the paper which was on the wall.

The bell rang and I snatched up my backpack. I hurried into music and sat down. I wonder how much drama is going to happen before Friday. The end of the year is getting close. Even though I went into the other music room to grab a rain stick. I had to search because someone had moved it. When I came back, the rest of the class had arrived. 

John L. was sitting on the same bench with Alex. Why does John have to like Alex?! I want to go with Alex to the dance. I'll ask him after school. I'll have to distract Joh somehow. Maybe I'll make Peggy talk to him. I know that Peggy has always had a tiny crush on John. I know that she had a HUGE crush of Lafayette but he's dating Hercules now. Peggy's a huge flirt. She's wild and likes to have fun.

Mr. Hancock - we call him Mr. H. - made us practice the song altogether. We are going to present it a week after the dance to our parents and teachers. It called El Condor Pasa and it's from Chile. We only know the A section. I hit a wrong note and cringed.

Class went by quickly. I went to go talk to Alex but he sprinted out of the room. I didn't want to follow him. I picked up my backpack and waited for my sisters. Together, we strolled to the pickup area. Usually, we walk home, but today we all have some sort of lesson.

Three minutes later, Alex and his friends came yo the pickup area. Alex was grinning really hard. A little bit later, John got a phone call. When he came back, he was crying. John slid to the ground and Alex sat next to him. I saw Alex grab John's hand. My heart twinged from jealousy. When Peggy saw that John was crying, she rushed over and knelt down. I could see John saying things but I couldn't hear. When he was done talking, Peggy gave him a hug.

"What happened?" I asked as Peggy walked over to us.

"...He doesn't want me to say. We all know how quickly rumors spread," Peggy said.

One minute later, John's car pulled up. He hopped in and it sped away. Alex had a concerned expression on his face. I waited a minute to make my move. When lex was just about to leave, I walked over. I tapped on his shoulder and he spun around.

"Oh, hello Angie," Alex greeted me.

", are you-are you going to the to the dance with anybody?" I started.


"I was.. was wondering...if you and I, if you wanted to...could go to the dance?" I rambled.

"I-I...sorry. I'd love to go but I'm going to go alone. I just can't. I have nothing against you, just....I'm sorry."

"Oh. Okay. Bye..."

I slowly walked back to my sisters. I told them a lie. I told them that I had asked him if he had seen my math notebook. It's my most important notebook because it has all my math notes that I need for class. This wasn't a surprise though. What was I thinking?! Why should anybody like me? The loud, intense, crazy girl. 

Dad pulled up and we all got in. We went home and changed. I do rock climbing so I put on yoga pants and a chalk bag. Peggy wandered into my room wearing her Tae Kwon Do uniform. She was a yellow belt.

"I heard what happened," she said.

"Who told you?" I queried.

"Alexander. We're like, best friends. He tells me everything."


I was saved by Mom telling us to hurry up. I ran downstairs and got in the car. I was dropped off first and escaped the car. I could be free from my worries for two hours up high on a wall where I loved to be.

Time skip because I can!

I raced around the Dollar Store looking for things that would be good for a Candy Land dance. I found a bunch of candy, pink and yellow streamers and a bunch of plastic jars for the candy. I was given 50 dollars to buy decorations. The best thing I found was a mini disco ball. We could hang it from a basketball hoop. My mom was with me. I found multicolored balloons. We should blow them up and tape the to the walls or hang them from strings from the basket ball hoops. I'm proud of what I found. I'm so excited for this dance!

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