Chapter 9

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Two No's

Thomas' POV

Sigh. Another day at school, another detention. Another day with John Laurens' group. Well, school also means James Madison. I hate the way that Dolley Todd looks at him. I wish she'd just disappear. I hate her!

Today is Monday so it's an A day. Monday and Thursdays are A days. B days are Tuesday and Wednesdays. Wednesday is not a school day. It's called Fieldwork Wednesday. That means we go somewhere and do stuff outside that helps the Earth. It also means we have no homework or detention!

I was walking to the morning assembly. James was walking beside me. Aaron was telling us about how he was dating Theodosia and now the co-own a puppy. How does one co-own a puppy? That makes no sense. I want a puppy. Mom won't let me have one.

I heard a pattering of feet behind me. I turned and saw Theodosia running up to Aaron. She slipped her hand into his and began talking. I groaned and sped up so I didn't have to walk beside them. Stupid lovebirds. Why is Aaron even in this group anyway? He doesn't fit in. He third wheels. I don't really like Aaron.

Anyway, I sped up so I don't have to walk by them. It makes me feel lonely. How can James be oblivious? I just want to yell in his face: "I LIKE YOU!" I don't have the guts though. Imagine if I did! Wow. 

I pushed open the doors to the gym. The bleachers were pulled out. They are on wheels so you can pull them out as you wish. I chose a spot near the top and James sat next to me. I love sitting up high so I can survey the people coming into the gym. I don't know anybody that's not in my grade though. I still like to watch the people.

Hercules and Lafayette were holding hands, trying to be discreet but failing. John Adams was walking around aimlessly. He isn't the brightest. The Schuyler sisters were talking with Martha, Theo and Abigail. John L and Alexander were walking side by side with their fingers brushing. Cute. Not really. I hate both of them.

Principal George called for attention. He started with the boring things like sports teams and not littering. Then he got to the interesting parts. Principal George said something about a dance and my head jerked up. 

"Student Council is hosting a dance. We will have signs up soon with all the info. Tickets are five dollars. Can't wait to see you there! Not really. Mr. Washington?" he said.

Mr. Washington took the microphone. He tapped on it a few times to make sure it was working. He smiled at the school and began his speech.

"As you all know, our school has a student council. In our last meeting, we discussed what we could do to make the school have a healthy competition. We decided on a  student government," Mr. Washington announced.

The gym filled with noise. Over all of it, I head Alexander yell "I CAME UP WITH IT!" Of course he came up with it. Of course the little over-achiever came up with it. Mr. Washington called for silence. Slowly, the noise died down and my favorite math teacher continued his speech.

"Anyone can run. You just have to come check in with me.  You have to pay for your own stuff like posterboards," a few grumbles went up, "I know it's not ideal but this is the first year we've done this. If this does not go well, we will have to get rid of it. I hope you all are responsible and take this seriously. There will be no rigging elections and absolutely no harming the students running. You are all old enough to know this. Thank you!"

I ran off to math class. I was the first one there. Mr. Washington teaches math and he was finishing up in the gym. I plopped down in my seat. A dance! I thought it was just a rumor that someone made up. 

A couple seconds later, Martha came into class. She set down her bag and slowly walked over to me. I could tell she was nervous because she was biting her nails. Martha stood in front of me and took a deep breath.

"...So, um, Y'know how Mr. Washington mentioned a dance? I was... was wondering if... um, if you would like to... go with me?" Martha stuttered.

I was silent for a second. Then I burst into laughter. Me? Her? No! I'd much rather go with James! I laughed for about thirty seconds. When I stopped and looked at Martha, I saw tears in her eyes. I felt a little bad now. I made her cry! Was I too mean? 

"Why would I go with you?" I asked.

Just then the rest of Martha's friends came in. Martha ran out of the classroom. Angelica stalked up to me. I jumped out of my chair. I backed away as Angelica neared me. She raised her index finger and wagged it in my face.

"You just go around making people feel bad, HUH? YOU MADE MARTHA CRY! Now one of my BEST FRIENDS is CRYING because you couldn't be NICE! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?" Angelica shouted.

"," I tried.

"I know where you live. I am never satisfied until I have revenge. I. WILL. GET. REVENGE!" she announced.

Angelica rushed out to find her friend. At the very beginning of class the whole group came into the classroom. Martha's eyes were red and Angelica practically had steam coming out of her ears. Eliza, Peggy, Theodosia, and Abigail had concerned looks in their eyes.

The tables are arranged in a half circle around the board. Maria Lewis sat right next to the teacher's desk. I sit right next to her. Fifteen minutes went by. We were learning about the pythagoream theorem. 

I glanced over at Maria. She looked a little weak. Her face was very pale. She was swaying in her seat ever so slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

Maria stared at me blankly. She slowly stood up, holding onto the table like her life depended on it. Maria let go of the table and collapsed. Someone screamed. Eliza jumped out of her seat and raced to Maria. Eliza felt her pulse. When Eliza screamed Mr. Washington spun around. He saw Maria on the ground and knelt.

I knew exactly what to do. I raced to the back of the classroom. I pulled out my water bottle which had a ton of ice cold water in it. I jumped over a table and opened my water bottle. I poured the water all over Maria's face. For a few tense moments, the whole class held it's breath. Maria began to cough and we all sighed with relief. She's alive!

Maria began to stutter about how she hadn't drank anything in a couple days. She said she hadn't been feeling well that day. I felt like something was off. The way that she kept nervously glancing at James R. made it suspicious.

The way that Eliza looked at Maria was weird. Wait, does Eliza like Maria!? I thought Eliza liked Alexander.... This is complicated. It's like a Days of Our Lives episode!

The rest of the lesson went by without a cinch. As I walked through the halls to my next class, I heard Maria and Eliza talking. I hid behind the wall because I want to know the gossip. It's useful for blackmail if I ever need to blackmail somebody. I've never had to but someday I might.

"Please! Please go with me!" Eliza pleaded.

"I can't. Eliza, he would hurt me if he saw me with you," Maria said.

"Report him! Report him and this nightmare can be over. I know he hurts you. I know that everyday you wish to be alone," Eliza told her.

"I hate him. I hate this world. I just can't go with you! I don't want you to be hurt! Maybe someday I will report him but, I'm just I'm not ready."

I heard footsteps coming towards me. I took a couple rapid steps back. Then I started walking forwards again. Maria was walking quickly towards me. Her face was flushed. I rounded the corner and saw Eliza leaning against a wall. She had tears in her eyes.

What happened? Who was Eliza talking about? Maria is getting hurt? I just overheard something very serious. What is going on?

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