Chapter 15

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The Dance

Third person

(A/N: I dislike writing in third person but I have to for this chapter to work properly)

Angie walked into the gym. The bell had just rung. Eliza and Peggy were walking home without her. Angie had a plastic bag slung over her arm. She took out two rolls of streamers: blue and pink. She found a stepladder and dragged it over to a basketball hoop. She almost popped a balloon that was lying on the ground. Alexander and John L. were blowing up balloons and flinging them at each other. Angie hung up the streamers from the basketball hoop. She recruited John A. to help her. Soon streamers were hung across the room from basketball hoop to basketball hoop.

Angie also hung up a mini disco ball that she had bought. She gave it a twirl and smiled. A loud scraping made her turn around. Mr. and Mrs. Washington were dragging in a big screen. They set it up to part the gym in half.

Alex was directing where everything should go. He designed the layout so he got to tell people where everything went. Alexander was having a fun time directing everyone around. Especially Thomas. He made Thomas do the hard things like moving the tables around.

James M. came in with a ton of candy. Angie had bought plastic buckets with lids and James put the candy in there. He arranged lollipops on the table. It looked really good so far.

"Angie, Madison, and Laurens, could you go to the front desk and get the balloon arch?" Mrs. Washington asked.

They all trekked to the front desk and grabbed the balloon arch. It had all the colors of the rainbow in order. The children that stayed after school gaped at the balloon arch. Angie smiled. Once they arrived at the gym, they set it up over the doorway. Angie took a step back and admired it. She was so excited for this dance.


Peggy and Eliza walked home. They were talking about what they were going to wear. Eliza was texting her mother that they were going to go to a restaurant before the dance. When they arrived at their house, Eliza knocked on the door. Phillip Schuyler opened the door. Prince barked and jumped on Peggy. She fell to the floor, laughing.

"Peggs! We have to go get ready so we can meet Alexander and John at the restaurant," Eliza said.

"Oh yeah..." Peggy remembered.

Peggy raced up the stairs and to her room. She shut the door and went to her closet. In the far beck, there was a yellow dress. It looked like this:

Peggy did her hair and makeup

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Peggy did her hair and makeup. She put her hair into a bun. She needed the straps of her dress to be tightened so she went to Eliza. Eliza was wearing a beautiful blue dress. A diamond necklace hung around her neck. Her hair was half up and half down. Eliza's dress looked like this:

 Eliza's dress looked like this:

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