Chapter 22: Rescuing Lady Nagant

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Izuku pov

After Katsuki's punishment, I showed the files that Atsuya gave me to Nezu, asked if I could take advantage of Katsuki's trip to go free Lady Nagant, so Nezu calls Tartarus and warns about a new/new prisoner, the his/her conditions and that I would be going there to release Lady Nagant. . .

Since I was a child I liked her so I went

I went to Tartarus with permission to release her. . .

As soon as I got there I talked to her. . .

Me: Hello. . .

Kaina (Lady Nagant): Who are you?

Me: The person who came to get you out of here. . .

Kaina: How?

Me: I got the proof that you're innocent. . .

She was wide-eyed. . .

Kaina: T-Thanks!

The guards release her and I take her to UA. . .

Nezu talks to Kaina so she can teach here at UA. . .

(Sorry for the short chapter, but I need to think about what else to write. . . .)

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