Chapitre 3

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Ralf POV

After ten minutes I finally hear a car door close so I quickly make my way to the front door where Michael, his wife and child were standing. I greeted them before quickly making my way back to the kitchen after having heard a little cry from one of the baby's. They followed me before stopping seeing the baby in their carriers.

- Okay so when you told me your crazy ex dropped two babies at your doorstep I thought it was one of your silly jokes but I guess not.

- Yeah well what do I do? I don't know how to take care of them and don't even have any baby stuff at the moment.

- Okay well first have you called mom and dad?

- Of course I did neither also on their way here.

- Okay so we'll make a plan of action once they're here.

Ten minutes later and they arrived.

- What is this crazy situation on a Sunday morning? Dad said

- Don't be too hard on him honey it must be a big shock to suddenly find out you have kids out of the blue. Replied mom

- Yes so anyway we have to come up with a plan poor little Ralf doesn't even have anything for babies except what the mom left in that bag. Michael said pointing at the duffle bag next to the babies.

- Well, Mich I propose we make a list of stuff to buy and then you, pops and Ralf will go buy the needed equipment while Corinna and I stay here and take care of these poor little souls'. Mom said

- Okay yeah that's fine. I replied

We then all gather around the table naming stuff that we will need for the baby's nursery has well as some formula and clothes for them. While we were planning it out one of the children woke up and started crying which caused the other one to cry to.

- Oh these poor baby probably need to be changing... Ralf take one of them and bring the duffle bag with you I'll teach you how to change their diapers. Mom said I did what she told me and removed one of the babies from its carrier before following her to the bathroom with the duffle bag. Once there, we laid them on a towel and mom taught me how to change a baby in which we found out that one was a baby girl and the other a baby boy. I should have honestly checked on the birth certificate but oh well. After we finished we but their clothes back on before going back to everyone. 

Once we arrived at the kitchen we learned that the list was completed so without further delay, me, my dad and Michael took off with the mini van to the children's store. On the way there, we talked about the situation and how it was a shock but we were all happy to have two new additions to the family. While driving I also mentioned that one of the babies was a little girl while the other was a little boy and that I had yet to have chosen names for them.

- Well, do you have any names in mind? Said dad.

- Well, not really. I responded

- What about Carissa for the girl it's a pretty name? Said, Michael.

- Yeah, I like it it has a nice ring to it... I kind of like Yuri for a boy I've heard it somewhere and liked the name.

- Then there you go Yuri and Carissa the two little Schumacher babies. Michael said

- Well, at least you're lucky that they're cute babies Ralf. Said dad.

- Your right dad at least they're cute. 

We then arrived at the shop and bought everything that we needed before going back home. Once home we started to build the nursery in one of the empty room upstairs. We also determined that Michael and Corinna would take care of the twins tonight and tomorrow while we built the nursery since they already had the necessity to take care of them in place.

Time Skip

It has been a week since the twins were dropped up at my house and 3 days since they were settled in their nursery. I'm not gonna lie being a single dad to two babies his quite hard but I honestly wouldn't trade them for the world. I would also that I'm quite lucky since they don't cry for attention, only when they need to get fed or change but I guess it's probably since they keep each other company.

I also decided today to tell the news to Alina's mother. I want to tell her since we have a great relationship with each other and she has been alone since her husband died a few years back so I'm sure she would love to know that she has grandchildren. But, of course, I will make the situation clear and tell her that I don't the twins to have any contact with their mom at least for now.

I planned to tell her today, since I flew her here from Moscow to spend a couple of days together since she's like my second mom. I was getting the twins ready to go pick her up and decided to put them in matching clothes. I put Carissa in a white baby dress and put Yuri in a white shirt with baby blue pants. I then secured them into their carriers before bringing them to the car and securing their baby seats in before going back into the house to get their baby bag.

We then took off to the airport to go fetch their nana I prepared a one piece saying "Hello Nana" on it to give her when she entered the car to surprise her.

Arriving at the airport, I called her to tell her, I was waiting for her in the pick-up area. Once I saw her, I got out of the car and helped her with the luggage putting it in the trunk of the car.

- Anastasia. I called

- Yes Ralf? She asked in English.

- Here. I said before giving her the one piece.

- What's this? She asked before realizing. No, you're kidding. She said a smile appearing on her face I shared my head to tell her that I wasn't kidding and to open the back door.

- Oh My God Ralf you're going to make me cry thank you so much ... she said before hugging me.

- No problem I'm not going to stop you from having a relationship with your grandchildren because of your daughter's mistake.

- You're really an angel and I promise not to let them have any contact with Alina until you tell me it's fine too.

We then went home and my children played with their Nana before she read them a bed time story and put them to sleep.

- You know, whenever you feel like seeing them come. I will always let you come to visit them, plus I also wish you could teach them Russian since I want them to keep in touch with their roots and be able to speak in their mother tongue so don't hesitate to speak to them in Russian, okay?

- Yeah, no problem I think it's a great Idea. She said smiling.

We then caught up for a bit before having to go change the twins diapers and feed them before putting them back down for the night.

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