Chapter 1: A match is made

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"Ms. L/N? Is staring out the window more interesting than listening to my lecture?" Mr. Diez had called your attention three times in the last 5 minutes. The third time he threw his chalk at you, hitting you square between your eyes.

"No sir...I'm sorry."

"She's stressed out sir. She was matched yesterday." Your friend Sabo informed the man. This drew a lot of attention your way.

"Finally! Holy shit! Everyone here was matched 6 months ago, it's about damn time!" Ace chuckled. You didn't find it funny.

"Guy please! Not now. I'm sorry sir. Please continue your lecture."

The man taught an elective course, he was an anthropologist. He travelled during the summer to different dig sites, and taught about the Jurassic period. His class was very popular even if it was a difficult class. The average grade was a C-, you were one of the few who got an A in his class.

"No we'll end it here today. You're all free to socialize but not too loudly. I don't need Mr. Crocodile raging in here like last time." He sat down at his desk with his computer and began typing. You wondered what he was working on.

"So have you set a date to meet the lucky guy yet?" Ace wiggled his brows at you.

"No, but my social worker said the sooner the better. Ugh, I have my final to work on and my project to get into Vegapunk University due in three months."

"One thing at a time. Jeez you stress for no reason." Sabo rubbed your shoulders.

"Easy for you to say. You matched with your girlfriend! You and Koala are literally a one on a million chances!!!" You banged your head on your desk.

"Ms. L/N, please don't give yourself a concussion."


Half hour later Mr. Diez assigned a reading assignment and to answer the questions he wrote on the board. It had to be typed of course. Before you could leave though you heard him call to you.

"Ms. L/N. A word before you leave?" You turned back to meet his gaze. His sapphire blue eyes made all the girls and female staff swoon multiple times. Your eyes were multicolored. One blue and one brown. It had been the result of a lot of teasing and mild bullying when you were younger. But once you got a little older it wasn't as bad.

"I understand your stressed, believe me I do. But it cannot be cause for distraction while you're in class."

You didn't have the strength to argue.

"Yessir." You waited. "I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to be so distracting." You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

He stood and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. His slight smirk graced his handsome face. Even with the scar on his chin, he was still very handsome.

"Don't worry too much. I have no doubt you'll be matched with someone great. Have a good weekend Ms. L/N." You smiled at him.

"You too sir!" With that you bolted out of the classroom and headed to work. You worked at an hardware store. You got discounts on tools and smaller gadgets needed for your engineering projects you had every three months.

All Blue High was a tech school, with elective options to give your brain a break. You loved building things and machines for as long as you could remember. Your first project had been a lift to your treehouse using the rivers current as a weight system. You were hooked from there.

"Hey Y/N! There's someone here to see you. Can you come to the back please?" Mr. Iceburg called you from the back of the store.

"Okay!" You quickly finished putting the hammers away. When you got to the back you saw a tall man with long black, curly hair and a pigeon on his shoulder. "Uh excuse me?"

One Piece AU DrakeXReader: Match made in numbers or heaven?Where stories live. Discover now