Chapter 13: Staying or leaving

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Madison's P. O.V.

As we finally got to the lair Donnie put the mutagen and injected to Splinter." Okay, the mutagen is now entering his bloodstream,"Donnie informed us.

"Master Splinter?" Mikey says.

"Nothing's happing."

"Why isn't it working yet?"

"Mikey, Mikey, come closer." Splinter whispered to Mikey as he lean closer.

"What did he say? What did he say?" Leo asks his younger brother.

"He said please get your knee off my chest." Mikey replied as everyone sigh in relief that Splinter was oh okay.

"Sensei!" Leo yelled.

"You're alive!" Mikey shouted.

"It worked!" Raph smiled

"I'm sorry, this was all my fault."Leo says

"You were right. We weren't ready." Raphael said

"No, it was I who wasn't ready to let you go. All you needed was to discover that your true power lies with believing in one another." Splinter says.
The bothers looks amazing what their father said Donnie told me and my sister to follow him so we got up and followed him.

We walked into his lap as we saw the invention that he made for us to go home he gave us a watch that way we can get home." Well, here you go girls... you just press this button and it will lead you straight home." Donnie says.

Donnie gave us a sad smile and said." It was really fun having you guys here." I look at my sister who puts the watch in her pocket and I did the same thing.

"We know it's just we need to think about it D." I said he nodded.

"Take your time girls." Donnie says as he left the lab I look at my sister and said." Are we really doing the right thing? Sis? We just made new friends and just got boyfriends we just can't leave them, we just figured out we have power, and what we gonna tell our mom like hey mom we just got transported into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and we got powers and fallen in love with our favorite turtles?" I said.

She sighs and looks at me." I don't know sis but for right now let's go see April and Vern." She said to me as she left I sigh and followed her.

Skip time

We finally made our way to the surface as we spotted April and Vern.

"There they are, New York's secret weapons." Vern smirks at us.

"How's your arm, Vern?" Riley asks.

"Well, it wouldn't be much use in a fight. Not that I was much use before, but..." Vern said.

"Did you get a new car?" April questioned

"Yeah you're looking at the new Fenwick express. Pretty sweet, huh? Kinda of an upgrade. Figured out I need new wheels after my old work vehicle went boom. Yeah, Channel Six gave it to me. They said don't put a scratch on it, but like lightning is going to strike twice."

"So is that why you called us here, to talk about your new car?" Madison asked.

"I know that you're not exactly a fancy restaurant kind of girl so I figured a creepy underpass in an abandoned neighborhood on the middle of the night was more your speed I wanted you to be comfortable."Vern said then we heard a honk we all turn around to see a truck pulling up to us.

"Dj Mikey in the house!" Mikey says we smiled as me and April and my sister walks over to them.
"What are you guys doing here?" April says.

"We figured it out we owe you a thanks.......for keeping our secret."Leo said.
""You got a lotta gain for telling people about us, but you had our backs." Raph said

"That's what family's for Raph." Riley said making Raph chuckle and smiled at his girlfriend.

Donnie looks at us and said." So have you two made up your mind yet?"
I look at my sister and she looks at me

"Yeah we did." Mikey frown but then gives us a huge.

"I am gonna miss you guys." Mikey says.
We huge him back we pulled away as I went to Leo as my sister went to Raphael.

Leo gave me a sad smile and kiss my check and hugged me." I am gonna miss you my little Angel." I blush at the nick name he gave to me I hug him back and said." I am gonna miss you to Leo." I said as I gave him a kiss on the lips he kiss back as we pulled away from each other I saw my sister gave Raphael a kiss  as well they pulled away and Riley went to me.

"Ready sis?" I asks.

"Ready as I ever be." Riley said we press the button and a portal appeared we started to walk towards the portal and  look back at them then we walked through the portal and the portal closed behind.

Third Person P. O. V.

Everyone was sad especially Leonardo and Raphael they where sad that they weren't see their girlfriends again they told April and Vern goodbye but before they can leave the portal appeared making everyone looks at the portal as they see two girls carrying luggage. The portal closed behind them  everyone was happy and confused Mikey smiled" Riley! Madison! You guys came back!" He said.

"Yep we did." Riley says.
"But why? Wouldn't your family miss you? Or your friends?" Leonardo asked confused but happy that his girlfriend was here.

"Well, we explained to our mom what happened and she told us to stay with you guys, we will miss her but we promise her that we will visit her again and she also wants to me you two someday." Madison explained.

"This cause for a celebration!" Mikey says he presses a button which causes a missile to appear.

Uh-oh." Vern says, missile shoots out and hits Vern's brand-new car, causing it to explode into flames.

"My bad. Still figuring out the buttons." Mikey says apologizing
"That was my new Fenwick Express. I just. I just got that." Vern says

We better get outta here." Leo looks at April."Wanna ride home?"

"You know what.....I think we're gonna just take the subway." April said.

Leo and Raph looks at their girlfriends."  You girls want to come with us?" The girls nodded and grabbed their luggages and hopped in the truck

"Are you sure? I gotta a real nice song that's all queued up. It's special, girl."

"No don't."

"For us."

"Come on, Mikey."

"No, no, no. Mikey, you promised!"

Then Mikey started to sing and the girls laugh as Riley couldn't help but to giggled as Raph held his little brother to the van again.

Finished chapter 13 at Sunday July 7/2022 at 8:12 PM

Words counted:1,173

Whoo! Finally finished usually I don't do five chapter of day but whatever it's finally done anyway I will see you guys in the next book of Out of my mind (TMNT 2014/2016)

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