The Seer's Secret

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Fred and George aren't sure how she did it, but Mirabel had made Umbridge take back several decrees and she had been rather quiet and tense since Valentine's Day. She was still a complete jerk to the students, but when Mirabel was present or anyone she was close to she scurried out as quick as she could.

On a great side note the Hogwarts Legion was really coming along nicely. The students were all excelling and the one who improved the most was Neville. He was running circles around even Hermione at times as he was constantly motivated with this determined look in his eyes.

Everything was going great. Except for one small thing.

Harry saw how much both Bruno and Mirabel were hurting. Everyday, every class missed, every time they saw each other, you could see the hurt in them spread.

Harry understands Mirabel has a right to be angry. He'd be angry if his father had abandoned him to live in the walls of her home. Still Harry has seen how much Bruno cares and adores for Mirabel so there had to be another reason that he isn't telling anyone.

"There is a reason Harry he just didn't want to deal with the trouble. If you didn't find him in the walls he wouldn't have ever come out of them," Mirabel insists bitterly when Harry brought up the courage to ask her.

"There has to be more to it though right? More reason than just one vision," Harry said. "I agree with Harry besides Mira this whole thing is affecting your grades and you've been skipping homework," Hermione said. Rolling her eyes Mirabel said. "I'm just busy," Mirabel said. "Busy with what? Visiting Dumbledore?" Harry asks. It was true Dumbledore frequently invited Mirabel for chats or to his office, but according to Mirabel the only things they talked about was how she was feeling and that she was happy, making sure the obscurial was still gone. Harry was personally jealous of the attention not that he said as much to her.

"Come on Mirabel you should try and find a reason. Bruno adores you there has to have been a different reason than what you think," Ron insists. Mirabel rolls her eyes. "Why should I?" Mirabel asks. "Because your a sweet forgiving girl?" Hermione said. "Eh not enough reason for me," Mirabel said.

So Harry is going to find that reason with his new occulmency skills. After Divination he requested to stay back to ask Bruno a few questions about their next assignment.

"So Harry what did you want to ask?" Bruno asks. Harry grips his wand and said. "Uh I just wanted to know, were there different futures?" He asks. "Well the future is never completely set in stone kid except in some cases," Bruno explains.

"But did you? We're there more futures that made you hide in the walls?" Harry asks. Bruno goes rigid and knocks on the wood. "Kid, I am not making excuses," Bruno said. "They wouldn't be excused though they'd be the truth," Harry said.

"Well the truth is you should go," Bruno said. Harry sighs. "Okay look Uncle I hate to do this, but I don't like seeing you and Mirabel upset so," Harry waves his wand and said. "Legitimate,"

Harry suddenly enters Bruno's mind. He goes past flashes of memories until he zeroes in on the one he wanted. He stood besides a small five year old girl wearing a white dress and bow. He watches as Mirabel grabbed the doorknob and how the door faded away like ashes in the wind.

He could feel the terror and fear in his heart as Bruno rushes past him grabbing the girl and whisking her away to Bruno's room.

He follows them and saw Bruno comforting the small girl. "Papa why didn't I get a gift?" Small Mirabel cries. "Your just a different type of special Mariposa," Bruno promises the small child. Mirabel keeps crying loudly and Harry watches as suddenly the Mirabel's hands started sparking erratically, but she didn't seem to notice it.

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