The Dim Dursley's

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Harry stood at Mirabel's door as she was waiting for his cue to open it. Felix and Augustine were waiting with Mirabel because they were going to help Harry get his stuff in case anything was too heavy. Camilo was next to Mirabel because he wanted to watch Mirabel open the door.

Harry just stood there staring at the door. "You know what? I'll just take a broom from your closet and I can buy more books I don't need," Harry began. "Harry boy sure they'll be a little angry, but they'll be forgiving and once they see that your safer here than they'll understand," Felix said. "You can visit them anytime you want we won't stop you," Augustine assures, but Harry was still looking at the door like it was the doors of death. "Come on bro it'll be easy, sure maybe a few tears that come with separation from familia but once they learn you'll be safer here I'm sure they'll understand," Felix agrees with his go lucky smile. "Also I can't wait to meet them, you never talk about them like ever. Do you think I could grab some embarrassing baby photos?" Mirabel grins mischievously. Harry's knows he has no baby photos at all, the best they'll get are his school photos up until he was ten.

Getting impatiently Camilo said. "Here I'll get the worse of the yelling and crying out of the way and than we'll switch without them even knowing. Sound good? Good," Camilo said turning into Harry and Mirabel satisfied with that plan and wanting to make it easier on Harry opens the door. "No wait!" Harry couldn't stop Camilo from walking through the door fast enough. Mirabel closes it because they agreed that there needs to be some explaining done before the rest showed up.

Quickly Harry got to the door and opened it again finding the stone wall. "Open it! Open it quick!" Harry frets. Confused and frightened it Mirabel got the doorknob and opens it. It had been less than a minute, but when they opened the door the sight was horrifying.

A ugly, fat, no neck, balding, moustache man wearing a ugly sweater was gripping Camilo's head who was still shifted like Harry and his head was bleeding. "YOU BLOODY NUISANCE! YOUR DEAD THIS TIME! YOU MADE US LOOK LIKE FOOLS! I'M GOING TO LOCK YOU UNDER THE STAIRS UNTIL YOU'RE NOTHING, BUT A DUSTY SKELETON!" . Seeing red Felix rushes in and tackles the man who drops Camilo and he shifted back to himself holding his bleeding head. Rushing in Augustine picks up the dazed boy and said to Felix. "I'll go get the ladies," and rushes off carrying Camilo.

"No one touches my son!" Felix yells at the man who was looking positively purple at Felix's arrival. Before he could say anything Felix knocks Vernon out cold in one punch. There's a scream and Felix turns seeing a woman taller than his own wife swoop in and hold a tub of ice cream to her husband's face.

She looks up at the man in terror until she saw Harry standing in the door way and her face gave way to distaste. "Finally come to off us you filthy pig!" She spat at Harry. Felix looks at Harry who was shaking. "How could you call him that he's your sobrino!" Mirabel exclaims. "We only took that brat in for the money it got us from the government! He's not family, no freak like that belongs in my family!" Vernon yells. "And he's the reason my sister is dead! He should have died not her!" Petunia yells.

Felix shook his head in disbelief wondering how Harry could be related to people like this. Turning Felix told Harry to get his stuff, but saw the boy had taken off running out the room and out of the house in a fright. Quickly Mirabel and Felix ran out the door after him.

Into the cold night street. Pivet drive was not what Mirabel was expecting since the neighbourhood looked so... dull. There was really no other word for it because it was so bland Mirabel's eyes hurted looking at it. If she described one house she would have described them all that's how boring they were. "Let's check this way," Felix decided and Mirabel nodded following her Tio who was absolutely enraged at what just happened.

The man was so angry at the Dursely's even his cheerful nature was put out by them. He wanted to leave and he was going to look for Harry first though. Mirabel followed him out into the night. She had never been to the place Harry grew up and she can only describe it as boring. All the houses looked the same and they looked like a total maze. Mirabel remembers seeing Harry go left so she gestures for her Tio to go left.

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