19- Jassandra Mills

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Jassandra Mills

                  I sat there at Anne Arundel Med Center, with J’bari Higgins, and Nathaniel Cosgrove…we just called him Nate, for short. My right hand hurt like the devil, as Doctor Dorsett brought in the X-ray slides. “Miss Mills, you have slight fractures in the second and third metacarpals. We are going to put a cast on your hand, which you should keep on until it heals, which is gonna be about 6 weeks. You didn’t punch any walls, did you?”

                   Doctor Dorsett was the mother of Tangela Dorsett, a girl who I went to school with. She was on the cheerleader squad, and she was also pretty smart. The only bad thing about her associated with school, was she asked Mitchell’s prick friend, Ethan for a date, and he shot her down because he didn’t wanna date outside of white women. I never knew what Mitchell saw in him, to keep him as a friend.

                   I looked down at the floor. “Um, no…I slugged my boyfriend,”

                   “Wow. That must’ve been some punch,” said the doctor. “I’m also going to write you a prescription for Vicodin, which should last you at least 2 weeks. After that, if you are still experiencing any pain, then make an appointment to see me,”

                    “Okay,” I nodded.

                    “Let me go get your cast,” she announced. “I’ll be right back,”- she exited the examination room. J’bari looked to me. “Your boyfriend? So you have been tasting some vanilla,”

                    “Shut up,” I groaned, rolling my eyes. “I am in an interracial relationship with a white man- so what?”

                    “So if he’s ‘your man’, then why the hell did you slug him?” asked Nate.

                     I lowered my head…to be honest, I didn’t know why I struck Mitchell…all I know, was that, I was angry with him, upon learning that Pennel Phelps might possibly be pregnant, with his child. I was almost certain, that she was playing this card to keep Mitchell and me apart…but there was a glimpse of doubt- Pennel was a very smart girl, and she knows that we can easily call her bluff, with a pregnancy test, so faking it would be out of the question. If Pennel was using the pregnancy card, she was really going to have to be pregnant.

                     The pregnancy test itself- not that drugstore “behind the counter” bullshit, but administered by a real doctor was going to take a couple days, at the most, a week. Once it is verified that Pennel was indeed pregnant, then there’s the whole matter of the DNA verification- to determine the paternity of the child, if it indeed, is Mitchell’s.

                      I was angry with everything- Pennel, for pulling the pregnancy card…that bitch could’ve gotten a fucking abortion. Lord knows, how many she has probably had already. I was angry with Mitchell…I really wanted to get over what had happened in Hilton Head; I really wanted to start back lovin him again, but when this bomb was dropped on me, it brought back all the memories of that previous weekend.

                      But I couldn’t take it back. I hit Mitchell- I called myself loving him, no matter what, and I struck him out of blind anger. I wouldn’t blame him, if he never talked to me again.

                     Doctor Dorsett returned. They first zipped a small glove on my hand with molding on the inside, to hold my bones in place. Then she wrapped my hand and wrist in gauze, before she put the outer cast on. I smiled…I could move my fingers slightly without a lot of pain. “We are done here now, and here is your prescription,”

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