Something Stupid - 16

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Naruto looked behind him.

'There's no going back now'

He is in the yard, looking at the window, ready to sneak into the house.

The window was closed but unlocked, so he opened it and climbed inside.

The wallpaper gave him flashbacks.

Even though the exterior of the house looks normal, the interior was the same as 3 years ago.

It was like walking straight into the past.

He gulped, clutching his gun tightly, and began walking around.

It was a lot emptier on the inside, and a lot bigger too, it felt like every step echoed inside his head.

The ugly wallpaper and the structure of the house on the inside reminded him of the first time he walked into Orochimaru's house back in the day.

The day it first happened...

He tried to shake that thought out of his head, but it just kept coming back, because not only did this place look exactly like that old place, it smelled like it too.

The sound of his footsteps sounded the same as well.

Goosebumps raided his body, but he ignored his instincts and the gut feeling that was telling to get the fuck out of there.

His body was having a very negative reaction to the humid environment and it wasn't good for the mission.

Suddenly, his special ability started going off, it went out of control and made his head ache terribly.

He dropped his gun and clutched his head trying to ease that splitting headache that had just invaded his nerves.

Suddenly a voice from behind him spoke, a voice he never wanted to hear again, a voice that made him want to puke.

"I missed you... Naru~"


Sasuke -who was still in Naruto's study- was alternating between pacing around angrily to sitting on Naruto's chair and cursing him out.

He had been contemplating calling the police or Sai to inform them of what was going on, but he hesitated because he knew that would get Naruto in trouble.

"Fuck, Naruto, why did you have to do this?!" Sasuke exclaimed and threw himself on the chair once again.

"What do I do?" He mumbled to himself.

After a bit of zoning out and getting lost in thought, he then noticed a little nook in Naruto's desk, one that wasn't supposed to be there.

Sasuke's eyes widened, he quickly picked at it and found the ledge, he pulled it then the desk opened.

He backed away slightly startled, but then looked inside and found all the evidence about the case, including the address written on a sticky note.


He didn't even bother closing the desk back, he ran out of their apartment and got in his car, speeding out of the parking lot.


"Orochimaru" Naruto spat, his headache had stopped the minute he heard Orochimaru's snake-like voice.

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