Ghost Of Trauma - 12

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The moment they stepped foot in the hospital Sasuke called on some nurses to take care of Naruto.

They immediately obeyed their chief's orders and took him to a room to get him checked and run some tests.

Sasuke was about to follow when Sakura, who was not done with her shift yet, -in fact, it had only started a few hours ago- stopped him.

"What are you doing, Sakura?" He hissed through gritted teeth.

"Being too close to the patient can warp your thinking and you'll make irrational decisions." She said.

"You don't have to tell me that, you're literally quoting me" he said, annoyed.

"You need to take your own advice, everyone here is very skilled, you handpicked them yourself, you need to relax, Sasuke."

"But, he's in there. And he's probably confused, and I'm not there with him!"

Sakura chuckled a little and he gave her the deadliest glare he could muster up.

She noticed and stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, but you've only known Naruto for just over a year, he's my childhood friend, he was literally in and out of the hospital every week because of how much he'd injure himself, trust me he's not confused" she said with a slight smile.

"But this is a lung disease! Not some scrape he got while playing outside!" Sasuke half yelled at her.

She sighed.

"This-" she motioned to Sasuke "is exactly why you shouldn't be in there with him"

He stopped for a second.

"You'll just make him more worried" she continued.

He didn't think about that.

"Just come with me" she said.

They sat down in the waiting room, both silent for a while.

"Can you go check on him?" Sasuke asked.

"You know there's no point-"


Sakura was a little taken aback by Sasuke's behavior, she's known him for years now and this was the first time he ever said "please"

"Um, alright" she nodded and got up.

He stayed there, anxiously waiting for her to get back.

He decided that tea would do him some good.

He got to the cafeteria and stood in the small line, patiently waiting for his turn, he ordered some green tea.

After a few minutes, he received a cup of boiling hot tea and went back to the waiting area, where he found Sakura waiting for him.

"Where'd you go?" She asked.

Sasuke motioned to the tea.

"Ah, well, um Naruto isn't worried if that eases your mind, he says he feels fine"

Sasuke clutched his cup a little tighter.

"Sakura, how long has it been since you've last hung out with Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

She got quiet for a little, trying to remember.

"I'd say a few months ago, but it's because we're both really, really busy, I've been working extra shifts and he has been chasing a serial killer for quite a while now..."

Sasuke just gave her a look.

"What? Why do you ask...?" She wondered out loud.

His look intensified, it was a 'You-should-know-better-than-this' look.

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